I don't think he is the savior of anything but I KNOW for a fact that Bush was a fuck up. He took us to Iraq when the war was in Afghanistan. He caused the death and even worse the dismemberment of thousands of men and women that stood in the exact same boots I did once upon a time to get rid of a secularist running a moslem country. He and his cronies lied about WMD's and took their eye off the real ball for something they thought would be an easy victory so it looked like they were doing something in this "war" on the people that planned the murder of 3000+ people on 9/11. The anti-right as you have called them marched almost lock step with Bush to Iraq and said nothing so they are equally to blame. If so many people were going to die and be maimed it should have been in the right war in the right place and not someplace that was unnecessary. I know very few military men that think that Iraq was a good idea. Lots thought that if we were going to be there we should do it right, but damn few saw it as the right place for this war.
Thank you for proving my point, about the projection of hate.