Look up the definition of strawman. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Additionally, maybe you should post your own thoughts once in a while. I'm pretty sick and fucking tired of ripping your posts to shreds only to get a response of "buy the book" or "I only repeated what was in the article." Stand by your convictions, if you have any.
And you did say this, which seems to suggest that you think McPeak is Obama's leading military advisor:
And hiding behind the article isn't going to cut it. As I said, quit reading that bullshit and uncritically reprinting it here and repeating it's assertions as fact because that only ends up with you looking like an idiot.
Finally, McPeak was against the war from the get go and was giving his opinion as to the likely outcome. So no, he is not a warmonger. He didn't want to go to war in the first place.
God you are a fucking twit..... A strawman is when you misrepresent my position and then attack your version of my opinion. Which is exactly what you did. Idiot.
I asked you a fucking question based on the article. You all stated that the "100 years in Iraq" was evidence of McCain being a warmonger. Clearly McPeak said the same thing (except he also wanted to be dictator to the Iraqis rather than let them vote). So I asked you if he too was a warmonger for stating the same thing that you use as "evidence" that McCain is a warmonger.
Also... if you don't like the NY Times piece tough shit. How many countless threads are started based on articles from moveon.org, huffingtonpost, dailykos, etc....???
and yes, I know Krauthammer is a righty...