Obama's "Wise Latina" didn't want a child rapist to feel pain


Oderint dum metuant

Death row inmate Billy Ray Irick died at 7:48 p.m. CDT Thursday after Tennessee prison officials administered a lethal dose of toxic chemicals. He was 59.

His execution came after his conviction for the rape and murder of 7-year-old Paula Dyer.

Irick repeatedly attempted to convince courts that the drugs set for use in a lethal injection would violate his "constitutional right not to be tortured to death".

Roughly five hours before Irick's death, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan denied his request to delay his execution.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor blasted the decision. "In refusing to grant Irick a stay, the Court today turns a blind eye to a proven likelihood that the state of Tennessee is on the verge of inflicting several minutes of torturous pain on an inmate in its custody, while shrouding his suffering behind a veneer of paralysis," Sotomayor wrote in her dissent.

"I cannot in good conscience join in this 'rush to execute' without first seeking every assurance that our precedent permits such results ... if the law permits this execution to go forward in spite of the horrific final minutes that Irick may well experience, then we stopped being a civilized nation and accepted barbarism."

Nobody has ever been executed for a more disgusting crime than having (R) after his/her name.

They are people totally devoid of even the most basic morals.

They are quivering mounds of rancid, diseased protoplasm without even a suggestion of value of any kind.

I would run one over to avoid hitting a skunk, then replace all four tires to get rid of the stink.

Conservatives / Republicans / Trumpanzees are, and I know that I'm repeating myself, here, lower than the parasites that eat the whale shit at the very bottom of the Mariana Trench.

Conservatives oppose terminating people with the same compassion with which we euthanize a sick farm animal.
On a similar thread, banjofuck repeated the Republican (and Christian) view that the mentally ill are capable of guilt and thus deserve being executed instead of euthanized.
By my standards, he reveals his own life's total lack of any value just for expressing an opinion as repugnant as that.

Banjofuck, Bullshit Blob, Legionnaires Disease, and the rest of the Hitler Youth, by their very existence, offend as much as any crime could possibly offend.
I wouldn't urinate on any one of them if they were on fire.
I don't know where they live, but it can't be Boston because they're not floating face down in the Mystic River.
(Don't accuse me--I never sent anyone there. I have restraint.)
Emotionally, I agree with the RWers about killing people that kill other people. Some are so evil, such as child abusers, I know I would truly enjoy taking them out myself, slowly with a small pocket knife. HOWEVER, intellectually and morally I understand our society has to place a higher value on life than taking any life. Life is sacred. So, I don't think it is ethically or morally RIGHT for the government to intentionally take a life, and even worse to intentionally cause pain while doing it. God is authorized to take lives, not us. I wish the right wingers could be a little more consistent and a little less hypocritical.
EVERYTHING the hybridized supertraitor did was an unlawful mistake and should be undone and done over by the real president ,Trump.. by the way; a child rapist should be raped to death.
Could you translate this into noncrazy?

This too.
Nobody has ever been executed for a more disgusting crime than having (R) after his/her name.

They are people totally devoid of even the most basic morals.

They are quivering mounds of rancid, diseased protoplasm without even a suggestion of value of any kind.

I would run one over to avoid hitting a skunk, then replace all four tires to get rid of the stink.

Conservatives / Republicans / Trumpanzees are, and I know that I'm repeating myself, here, lower than the parasites that eat the whale shit at the very bottom of the Mariana Trench.

Conservatives oppose terminating people with the same compassion with which we euthanize a sick farm animal.
On a similar thread, banjofuck repeated the Republican (and Christian) view that the mentally ill are capable of guilt and thus deserve being executed instead of euthanized.
By my standards, he reveals his own life's total lack of any value just for expressing an opinion as repugnant as that.

Banjofuck, Bullshit Blob, Legionnaires Disease, and the rest of the Hitler Youth, by their very existence, offend as much as any crime could possibly offend.
I wouldn't urinate on any one of them if they were on fire.
I don't know where they live, but it can't be Boston because they're not floating face down in the Mystic River.
(Don't accuse me--I never sent anyone there. I have restraint.)
Could you translate this into noncrazy?

Your lord, barack hussein marshall davis is the hybridized supertraitor. he was conceived at the gates of hell for the antichrist islamic purpose of hell. Your lord barack was bred like a dog for the antichrist Islamic purpose of his father "allah"/ Lucifer/(Satan). Your lord, barack ( the hybridized supertraitor) was born of a filthy white concubine slut for the antichrist Islamic purpose of the gates of hell. barack is continuing to fulfill the antichrist Islamic purpose of hell, according to the writings of the false prophet mohamed ( damned forever), it is his evil legacy against this land. barack was the only illegitimate us gov president ever and everything he did was an unlawful mistake and should be repealed/ undone and the real president, Trump , should re appoint new supreme court justices which will correct this particular unlawful mistake made by the hybridized supertraitor, which is your lord barack. barack should be executed for his high treasons.
Damn, that took crazy up many levels. Strong work.
Your lord, barack hussein marshall davis is the hybridized supertraitor. he was conceived at the gates of hell for the antichrist islamic purpose of hell. Your lord barack was bred like a dog for the antichrist Islamic purpose of his father "allah"/ Lucifer/(Satan). Your lord, barack ( the hybridized supertraitor) was born of a filthy white concubine slut for the antichrist Islamic purpose of the gates of hell. barack is continuing to fulfill the antichrist Islamic purpose of hell, according to the writings of the false prophet mohamed ( damned forever), it is his evil legacy against this land. barack was the only illegitimate us gov president ever and everything he did was an unlawful mistake and should be repealed/ undone and the real president, Trump , should re appoint new supreme court justices which will correct this particular unlawful mistake made by the hybridized supertraitor, which is your lord barack. barack should be executed for his high treasons.
So you start the thread about one topic, and your super smart conservobot trick to show up everyone not as conservobot as you is to criticize them for not talking about something else. Genius.
Can you point out a single comment in this thread that pertains to her suffering, liberal?
So you start the thread about one topic, and your super smart conservobot trick to show up everyone not as conservobot as you is to criticize them for not talking about something else. Genius.

Still no care about the pain and terror that child suffered in her final minutes, I see. Very telling.
The whole concept of mental incompetence vs. actual free will guilt is too complicated for a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, ugly-beyond-belief Trumpanzee.

If anybody really needs to be lethally injected, it's these valueless pieces of shit. All of them without exception.

But I'd still do it humanely because I'm not a fucking psychopath.
Conservobots are also too simplistic to understand the difference in keeping society safe and vengeance. I imagine a significant number of Trumpsters would like to go back to public hangings.
The whole concept of mental incompetence vs. actual free will guilt is too complicated for a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, ugly-beyond-belief Trumpanzee.

If anybody really needs to be lethally injected, it's these valueless pieces of shit. All of them without exception.

But I'd still do it humanely because I'm not a fucking psychopath.