Obama's "Wise Latina" didn't want a child rapist to feel pain

You should consider going back to meth rehab and stop guzzling Satan's frothy devil-seed.

The truth of barack is impossible for the damned to accept. He is in fact and in deeds the global director of universal evil and you are a part of his evil legacy against this land; as is the worthless " wise latina" damned fool. The worst point of this thread is that the father of the murdered child had access to the murderer and did not do his job.
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Still not a single iota of concern for the victim by JPP liberals. They are apparently only concerned with the welfare of a convicted child rapist and murderer.
The truth of barack is impossible for the damned to accept. He is in fact and in deeds the global director of universal evil and you are a part of his evil legacy against this land; as is the worthless " wise latina" damned fool. The worst point of this thread is that the father of the murdered child had access to the murderer and did not do his job.

Why do you gleefully shit into the mouth of Jesus Christ?
That is your statement of eternal, neverending. Unclean spirit. I am placing you on unclean spirit nonexistent list.

Wow. The first thing a real Christian would do would be to deny that.

You didn't deny that you gleefully shit in the mouth of Christ.

He hates that, btw, and has a loooooong memory.
Would you prefer that convicted criminals be released into your home?

No, idiot. I'd prefer that they be rehabilitated if possible and humanely euthanized if not.
I don't believe in long term incarceration or in punitive execution.

And how can you not know that from my posts?
Why would you ask a stupid "release in your home" question?

Just for the hell of it, what were your SAT scores?
The whole concept of mental incompetence vs. actual free will guilt is too complicated for a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, ugly-beyond-belief Trumpanzee.

If anybody really needs to be lethally injected, it's these valueless pieces of shit. All of them without exception.

But I'd still do it humanely because I'm not a fucking psychopath.

You want millions of people lethally injected by you are not a psychopath?
Since neither of those seems likely, perhaps you'll explain why you don't want to grant them sanctuary in your own home.

I obviously don't care about what you consider likely.
I certainly don't explain anything to you.
I merely laugh at your self-aggrandizement in imagining that I might.
Nobody has ever been executed for a more disgusting crime than having (R) after his/her name.

They are people totally devoid of even the most basic morals.

They are quivering mounds of rancid, diseased protoplasm without even a suggestion of value of any kind.

I would run one over to avoid hitting a skunk, then replace all four tires to get rid of the stink.

Conservatives / Republicans / Trumpanzees are, and I know that I'm repeating myself, here, lower than the parasites that eat the whale shit at the very bottom of the Mariana Trench.

Conservatives oppose terminating people with the same compassion with which we euthanize a sick farm animal.
On a similar thread, banjofuck repeated the Republican (and Christian) view that the mentally ill are capable of guilt and thus deserve being executed instead of euthanized.
By my standards, he reveals his own life's total lack of any value just for expressing an opinion as repugnant as that.

Banjofuck, Bullshit Blob, Legionnaires Disease, and the rest of the Hitler Youth, by their very existence, offend as much as any crime could possibly offend.
I wouldn't urinate on any one of them if they were on fire.
I don't know where they live, but it can't be Boston because they're not floating face down in the Mystic River.
(Don't accuse me--I never sent anyone there. I have restraint.)

I don't have compassion for someone that would rape and murder a 7 year old. I support the murderer dealing with the same level of pain, anguish, and feeling their INNOCENT victim(s) that did nothing to deserve their fate dealt with.

Also, someone murdered by a mentally ill criminal is no less dead because the murdered claimed a mental illness.
No, idiot. I'd prefer that they be rehabilitated if possible and humanely euthanized if not.
I don't believe in long term incarceration or in punitive execution.

And how can you not know that from my posts?
Why would you ask a stupid "release in your home" question?

Just for the hell of it, what were your SAT scores?

I prefer the GUILTY that committed heinous crimes on INNOCENT victims be dealt with in the same manner in which chose to "punish" someone that didn't do a damn thing wrong.
Still not a single iota of concern for the victim by JPP liberals. They are apparently only concerned with the welfare of a convicted child rapist and murderer.

Fucking idiots!!! It's not about how horrible the crime is. Guilt require the mental competence to be guilty. How is that too complicated for you numbnuts to understand?
You want revenge, not justice, and that's what makes you morally inferior to any liberal.

I don't want to coddle the criminally insane. I want to humanely euthanize them instead of executing them because I'm not a knuckle dragging, mouthbreathing, sub-human piece of shit like every conservative without a single exception is.

It would be emotionally satisfying to draw and quarter somebody like you, but I wouldn't condone it because I'm not fucking crazy.