Obsessive Moisturizing Pays Off


I just had the best thing happen. I hired a new woman to help with our education programs, and the younger girl who is already in that department, came up to me and asked if she was an old woman or if she was young. So I said, no she’s not young, she’s my age. And she said “Hello, you’re young”. And then I told her my age, and her whole face fell down and her mouth opened. She thought I was her age! She’s not even 30!

Boy, I will be living off this for the next two weeks.
I just had the best thing happen. I hired a new woman to help with our education programs, and the younger girl who is already in that department, came up to me and asked if she was an old woman or if she was young. So I said, no she’s not young, she’s my age. And she said “Hello, you’re young”. And then I told her my age, and her whole face fell down and her mouth opened. She thought I was her age! She’s not even 30!

Boy, I will be living off this for the next two weeks.


I have similar things happen to me occassionally. Boy do I eat it up. People always ask if I'm an intern or part of this fresh out of college program.

Flatter will get you everywhere in life.

What moisterizer do you use?

I have similar things happen to me occassionally. Boy do I eat it up. People always ask if I'm an intern or part of this fresh out of college program.

Flatter will get you everywhere in life.

What moisterizer do you use?

Estee Lauder Perfectionist. But to be honest, the most important thing you can do for your skin is to never leave the house without an SPF on. The sun is responsible for 90% of photo-aging (that’s, visible aging). And I have been doing that since I was very young, in my 20’s. I think that has more to do with it than anything.

I am totally eating it up. Wait till I tell my bf. I am starting to think I'm too hot for him!
Thanks for that input Dave.

No problem!

BTW, I just bought my fiancee a bottle of Lolita Lempecka (sp?) for a wedding gift. Maybe with your story of obsessive moisterizing, I will buy her a bottle of KY and make her rub it on the skins...
Estee Lauder Perfectionist. But to be honest, the most important thing you can do for your skin is to never leave the house without an SPF on. The sun is responsible for 90% of photo-aging (that’s, visible aging). And I have been doing that since I was very young, in my 20’s. I think that has more to do with it than anything.

I am totally eating it up. Wait till I tell my bf. I am starting to think I'm too hot for him!

My mom put me onto Oil of Olay when I was 11, I've been using it ever since. Plus I don't get too much sun as it is.
Protection for the sun is the best thing you can do for your skin. I didn't and it shows. But my wife is adamant about it.

According to her the Perfectionist is great (always a welcome gift).

But in the winter her skin gets super dry, and she has taken to using a hemp lotion. She swears by it.
I only wear sunscreen when I'm going outside for an hour or more. It's just too annoying feeling to use it any other time, even though I have extremely fair skin.
I only wear sunscreen when I'm going outside for an hour or more. It's just too annoying feeling to use it any other time, even though I have extremely fair skin.

You should start using oil of olay. Its pretty cheap and it doesn't way your skin down and can have an SPF of about 30. You definitely need it.
I wash my face with cold water, that's cold, not tepid. For moisturizer I use Olay Total effects. If I'm outside I use something with SPF 45 and wear a brimmed hat and long sleeves. I'm a pale, freckled redhead and burn horribly, even in the more temperate Canadian sunshine. The sun here in W. Tx is totally unforgiving. A 7 year drought that seems to have ended, however temporarily, wasn't especially kind to skin either, so moisturizer was essential.
I wash my face with cold water, that's cold, not tepid. For moisturizer I use Olay Total effects. If I'm outside I use something with SPF 45 and wear a brimmed hat and long sleeves. I'm a pale, freckled redhead and burn horribly, even in the more temperate Canadian sunshine. The sun here in W. Tx is totally unforgiving. A 7 year drought that seems to have ended, however temporarily, wasn't especially kind to skin either, so moisturizer was essential.

I am pretty puzzled at how sensitive I am to the sun. Whenever I go on vacation, I get rash around my lips an on any area that had high exposure to the sun. I used to do fine in the sun, but I actually have to avoid it b/c I completely react to it.
I am pretty puzzled at how sensitive I am to the sun. Whenever I go on vacation, I get rash around my lips an on any area that had high exposure to the sun. I used to do fine in the sun, but I actually have to avoid it b/c I completely react to it.

Thats funny, when I go on vacation I usually get a rash in places not exposed to the sun. :(
Well, if I go by your theory, I should rub lotion on it and it'll make it all better right?

Maybe if you rubbed lotion on it instead of rubbing whoever on it, you wouldn't have gotten a rash to begin with?