
In chart form:


Basically, this chart shows that in a mere 11 months the Senate Republicans have required cloture votes - votes taken to break a filibuster - a record 62 times. They still have 13 months to go to add to their record total. They are on track for 134 cloture votes (in red above).

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnel bitches about things not getting done. I wonder why!

the problem is the democrats are pathetic and lame at framing the problem. Its becoming about the democrats "losing" votes, rather than about the repukes obstructing key issues that the majority of americans want done.
The far right always finds some means to pretend that what they are doing is somehow noble, even if it is exactly the same thing they were screaming bloody murder about Democrats doing far LESS of, and under far more reasonable circumstances, six months prior.

The right has become a sick joke.
Not only that, but they try to claim that those who flagrantly violate the law are HEROES, as long as they are right wingers!

Viva Ollie North and Scooter Libby!
In chart form:


Basically, this chart shows that in a mere 11 months the Senate Republicans have required cloture votes - votes taken to break a filibuster - a record 62 times. They still have 13 months to go to add to their record total. They are on track for 134 cloture votes (in red above).

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnel bitches about things not getting done. I wonder why!

A lot of people voted Dem, not for Socialism and more big government increases but for some hope in gridlock, which they got. Of course since all Dems do is pass more spending bills and cut no corp welfare or war or defense budget then spending still managed to increase anyway.
The far right always finds some means to pretend that what they are doing is somehow noble, even if it is exactly the same thing they were screaming bloody murder about Democrats doing far LESS of, and under far more reasonable circumstances, six months prior.

The right has become a sick joke.

A.C, for real homeboy, I am now a liberal. As a liberal i would love for you to suck my nuts. Please lick them sir, I am a Democrat. F them racist crackers. My nuts sir.
LOL. Cawacko, why do you call everybody "sir" when you're drunk, no matter what vile thing you might be saying to them?
dems need to bend over and like it
they did it to the repubs for years
what a chart showing how the repubs to it better Boo Hoo
When they get more control they need to do the bending without a reacharound.
A.C, for real homeboy, I am now a liberal. As a liberal i would love for you to suck my nuts. Please lick them sir, I am a Democrat. F them racist crackers. My nuts sir.

holy crap, cawacko. Did you chug a fifth of vodka again? You're such a slut....last time you got sh*t faced, you were in love with me, not AC :eek:
Well, maybe that's not entirely correct. I guess certain states would have shortfalls starting in March of next year, but they still had time.

But vacation is coming up! Better cave before vacation!

Geoergia is out of SCHIP money now and is not accepting any new Children into the program.
A.C, for real homeboy, I am now a liberal. As a liberal i would love for you to suck my nuts. Please lick them sir, I am a Democrat. F them racist crackers. My nuts sir.

LOL, it must have been a pretty thirsty night last night. I wonder if someone "got his password" again. LOL