the majority of liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans, have not cared about or followed the constitution for over a century. to try to impress that upon them is lost because they're statists.
You’re true to your ignorant form Goober. What you refuse to recognize or maybe you’re just too fucking stupid to understand is, THERE’S NO AUTHORITY IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO OPERATE A HEALTHCARE PROGRAM.

The founders arraigned the Constitution so as to create a State’s Rights nation with as many laboratories for social structuring as there were States. Healthcare issues are STATE issues not federal issues. The founde’s idea was that each State could learn from the other what worked and what did not work and thereby in the spirit and principles of freedom come up with the best of all worlds. And, as Ronald Reagan noted the nation’s citizens would also have the FREEDOM to “vote with their feet” and live in the State which best fit their ideological and economic strategy.

Of course y’all BIG FEDERAL government authoritarian bastards highly favor the idea and strategy of having your personal partisan dictators run the whole stupid bankrupted show from Washington as far from local oversight as possible. Of course the end result of that is always ungodly national debt and deficits and the loss of individual freedoms.

:fu: This post shows how uneducated you are. You never read what I typed. You don't care to because you think you know it all. I stated that I don't favor Universal Health Care at this point. So do you even know what you are ranting about bone head? I almost stated "read a book" in a rude attempt to make you smarter, but I can't even type that now. READ A POST!!!:fu:


Three questions. Honest ones I want you to answer. Otherwise, I might just change my opinion and be in favor of UHC. Anyone else feel free to answer as well;
1) Is the government operating a healthcare like you stated? I heard the companies are still in control of them.
2) Where in the Constitution does it say that if a majority of Americans want this, they can't have it.
3) What about the Commerce Clause? Does it not apply here?
I want to add one more thing to this post. I know the Right Wingers can't read past a title so I'll keep it short. Again, I'm against UHC for now, so think about this....

If the majority of Americans want something.......and a majority of Congress passes something........how is that some sort of a dictatorship? (Healthcare)
If the majority of Americans want something.......yet a majority of Congress doesn't pass it.........how is that a dictatorship? (background checks)

Pretty sure we know who the dictators are.
Three questions. Honest ones I want you to answer. Otherwise, I might just change my opinion and be in favor of UHC. Anyone else feel free to answer as well;

Are we supposed to get all; worried, panicky and suicidal if you change your belligerent, self-aggrandizing pathetic little stupid mind about UHC????
1) Is the government operating a healthcare like you stated? I heard the companies are still in control of them.

Is the government mandating a product? Is the government setting up insurance exchanges? Does Obumercare administer fines? Does Obumercare create a government fund whereby folks are subsidized by government to purchase insurance? What part of the nation’s health care system is the fucking government NOT ”OPERATING” Goober???
2) Where in the Constitution does it say that if a majority of Americans want this, they can't have it.

The conversation here is about the fucking FEDERAL government Goober, just so you’ll know. Have you never read the 10th Amendment? The fucking federal government Goober is only authorized to do what is enumerated for the fucking federal government to do by the Constitution and there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be fucking around in the healthcare business. That’s why our healthcare is soooo fucked up now ever since the fucking feds started fucking around in it.

The Constitution Goober doesn’t deny the people anything as long as they don’t infringe any rights of others. However the Constitution DOES deny the federal government all operations not authorized and enumerated by the Constitution for the federal government and all other operations are reserved to the States and or the people….moron!
3) What about the Commerce Clause? Does it not apply here?

Are you asking or telling? If you’re asking the answer is “fuck no!” If you’re telling, explain how!
I want to add one more thing to this post. I know the Right Wingers can't read past a title so I'll keep it short. Again, I'm against UHC for now, so think about this....

If the majority of Americans want something.......and a majority of Congress passes something........how is that some sort of a dictatorship? (Healthcare)
If the majority of Americans want something.......yet a majority of Congress doesn't pass it.........how is that a dictatorship? (background checks)

Pretty sure we know who the dictators are.

The ”DICTATOR” moron is the United States Constitution. It’s the people’s written contract and guarantee of rights and freedoms and protections against government. BIG fucking intrusive government like you defend.

America was never meant to be a fucking mob rule democracy Goober. America is a ”CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC” whereby it’s totally irrelevant what the fucking majority mob wants. The federal office holders are sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution which every State has agreed to and ratified. What the majority or minority wants they can only get from federal government what is authorized by the Constitution to involve itself in. Otherwise the majority and or minority must go to their respective States to get what they want and only then can they get it as long as it doesn’t violate the State or National Constitution.

Oh yes Goober every intelligent and honest folk should know who the dictators are. The dictators are the BIG government propagandizing, vote bribing, socialist, fascist Constitution violating bastards just like you!!!!
the majority of liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans, have not cared about or followed the constitution for over a century. to try to impress that upon them is lost because they're statists.

True! But it’s about time the bastards got educated! That’s what I’m here for!
hey idiot

no body of this government has agreed with your insane interpitation of the constitution

Still waiting moron for you to expose the insanity of it.

Oh! That’s right you only make accusations you’re incapable of backing up with any actual factual reasoning or actual argument, huh?
Still waiting moron for you to expose the insanity of it.

Oh! That’s right you only make accusations you’re incapable of backing up with any actual factual reasoning or actual argument, huh?

angry assholes on the internets who cant think things through properly is not how the founders designed our government.

what you think is constitutional means nothing
well you guys cheated to win and we had to win by even larger amounts to secure the helm of power from your idiots.

Now we are still cleaning up the mess you made this time.

Just like last time

/grins....better question....how do people who know what the fuck they're talking about explain the last 13 years.....
/grins....better question....how do people who know what the fuck they're talking about explain the last 13 years.....

The dip-shit hasn’t realized yet that 13 years includes the Bushwhacker as well as her communist hero in the White House.

Fact, she’s an accusation and insinuation proliferator, she’s totally inept at answering questions or performing logical debate. In short, she’s a fucking idiot!!!
angry assholes on the internets who cant think things through properly is not how the founders designed our government.

what you think is constitutional means nothing

And someday when you grow a fucking brain, you’ll surely make a rational argument explaining just how my constitutional interpretations are wrong and what the true and actual intent of the founders was when they gave us the Constitution, right Dippy? Until such time you’ll simply make irrelevant childish ignorant remarks, huh?
You’re true to your ignorant form Goober. What you refuse to recognize or maybe you’re just too fucking stupid to understand is, THERE’S NO AUTHORITY IN THE CONSTITUTION FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO OPERATE A HEALTHCARE PROGRAM.

The founders arraigned the Constitution so as to create a State’s Rights nation with as many laboratories for social structuring as there were States. Healthcare issues are STATE issues not federal issues. The founde’s idea was that each State could learn from the other what worked and what did not work and thereby in the spirit and principles of freedom come up with the best of all worlds. And, as Ronald Reagan noted the nation’s citizens would also have the FREEDOM to “vote with their feet” and live in the State which best fit their ideological and economic strategy.

Of course y’all BIG FEDERAL government authoritarian bastards highly favor the idea and strategy of having your personal partisan dictators run the whole stupid bankrupted show from Washington as far from local oversight as possible. Of course the end result of that is always ungodly national debt and deficits and the loss of individual freedoms.

Thats interesting, very interesting because I could've sworn that the SCOTUS heard arguments and decided that it was constitutional and now its the law of the land..........yeah i'm pretty sure thats what happened.
You mean that bankrupted federal unconstitutional program with over 100 trillion $ worth of future unfunded liabilities don’tcha Howey??? Ya fucking moron!!!

Yet you don't mind cashing that check every month, do you?

Still waiting moron for you to expose the insanity of it.

Oh! That’s right you only make accusations you’re incapable of backing up with any actual factual reasoning or actual argument, huh?

You've been shown several times how wrong you are. That indicates you should use some of your Medicare and get help for your dementia.
Thats interesting, very interesting because I could've sworn that the SCOTUS heard arguments and decided that it was constitutional and now its the law of the land..........yeah i'm pretty sure thats what happened.

Oh yeah! The Supreme Court that fucking gang of partisan ideologues who couldn’t give a fuck less about the Constitution and who’s agenda is to further their particular political ideologies and the same agenda of the bastard politician that nominated them. Those bastards have no problem legalizing blatant constitutional violations as long as their right or left agenda is furthered.

So, since you’re a great believer in the Court explain where they found the authority in the Constitution for the federal program called the “Affordable Care Act” AKA Obama-Care.
Yet you don't mind cashing that check every month, do you?

Since the fucking government mob extorted me my whole working life Goober for the fruits of my labors, you can bet your leftist communist ass I’ll retrieve every nickel I can from the bastards. My Momma didn’t raise any fucking morons like you.

You've been shown several times how wrong you are. That indicates you should use some of your Medicare and get help for your dementia.

Yeah right! And someday when you grow some balls you’ll reproduce those “several times” for the world to see, right pea-brain? If you weren’t the lying bastard that you are Goober, you’d just be another muted leftist turd floating around in the world’s toilet!