Occupying Gaza

MAGA isn't a person.

He was. He committed four acts of treason, didn't know where he was, didn't know what year it was, and wandered off.

The only person that can speak for me is me. Perhaps that doesn't make sense to you.

37% inflation during his term. The effects of his treason still haunting him. The deer staring into the headlights look on his face. Even the DEMOCRATS gave up on him! Now you defend him??????

What clusterfuck?? Trump is making great progress. More progress in his agenda in just a few days than Biden ever did in four years.

He is.

You think nations that take advantage of the United States are 'allies'???

Trump's first two weeks have been a Blitzkrieg that has left the Stalinists dazed and disoriented. They don't know what hit them and their reactions are flaccid and impotent.

Lenox Lewis fought Mike Tyson back in the day. Tyson came out and hit Lewis straight in the forehead 8 seconds into the fight. Lewis was stunned and never recovered. Though he didn't go down, it really was a knockout punch. The fight was over at the beginning of the 3rd round.

That's what Trump has done - he hit the Stalinist so hard in this opening round that they will never recover, never regain their balance or equilibrium.

The drones here don't have brains - they don't have the ability of thought. They bleat what the hive programs them to bleat. But the hive can't focus or stand straight, they are weak in the knees and stumbling. The stupidity the drones are posting show that the hive can't program them coherently.

Trump has been brilliant and left the Stalinists effectively crippled.
What do you think Trump should do with all the rubble? Me? I'd build a serious harbor with it for the breakwaters, and I'd go on some news show and say what a great harbor it is and what a shit show Joe's floating pier was.
So, you think there will be no resistance to Felonious’ plans to remove the Palestinians from Gaza?
Saudi Arabia has already stated they will not move forward with plans to normalize relations with Israel unless there is a two state solution.
The Pale-Stinians have their chance, and they blew it. There will never be a two-state solution.
Gaza isn't Trump's, or America's.
I assume by "Braindead" you are referring to Pres. Biden.

He's not POTUS. Instead we have a convicted criminal, twisted, insane, egomaniaical and possibly even demented POTUS.
No. Biden is not in the White House.
Why don't you want to talk about what the current Crazy-in-Chief is talking about?
Biden is not in the White House.
Why do you feel the need to blame Biden for what Trump is doing and proposing to do?
He's not. You are trying to blame Trump for what Biden did.
Why do you believe that we have control over the issues and wars in the ME or other countries?
To a certain extent, the United States does.
What does this insanity have to do with "America First"? Most of all, why do you appear to want us to become involved in yet another endless, unsolvable, unwinnable foreign war situation?
What war??
When has Trump ever been straight up again anything?
He always has, since he became President, Sybil.
He "floats" ideas, doesn't make declarations.
No, Sybil. He makes declarations and FOLLOWS THROUGH WITH THEM.
He dances around the edges
You are describing Democrats again, Sybil.
to avoid being held accountable because he's a big, fat pussy.
You are describing Democrats again, Sybil.
The man wouldn't last a day in a survival situation....
What 'survial situation'? You're still hallucinating, Sybil.
if for no other reason the other survivors would toss him out of the life raft after listening to his constant whining and neediness.
What 'life raft', Sybil???