Shaken, not stirred!
Yes America, you will lose friends, you will take sides, you will be ostracized from your social group and/or family, and you sooner or later till take a physical offensive or defensive stance against those who oppose you.
Will this be a second civil war? Nope, nothing will be “civil” about it. Because civility has been redefined as acquiescence ... as America did when Reagan opened the tent flap; and let the racist, sexist fringe Christian evangelicals have a seat at the big table ... as America did when it let their sons and daughters be killed and maimed by attacking and then occupying Iraq by the Bush crime family based on lies ... and now by allowing an obnoxious con man and TV clown become President despite a history of business failures, lies, sexism and racism
But the tipping point is now, when the powers-that-be tell America that profits from selling all types of weapons supersedes the lives of it’s school children ... and the slander thrown at the adolescent survivors of mass shootings who cry out for action to save their current and future peers. The tipping point is now, as your right to safe water, to live saving healthcare, to clean air, is being subverted by the corporate pursuit of the constructed ideal of money & profit. And, as Wall Street takes away your social security, your pensions, and monopolies gain control of every aspect of your life, you will draw the line. When the supermarkets stop magically filling up with good, quality choices (if they fill up in your neighborhood at all), you will draw the line. When your children’s education is totally stymied by economic impediments via corporatization and a single test that determines their academic future, you will draw the line.
Yes, you will say “enough” and fight back, America. No more civil acquiescence. The question is, will you have the honesty, wisdom and courage to band together , or fight each other as those who orchestrate you misery watch in comfort and glee? And will non-violent resistance in the way of Ghandi and King be the way, or will you go the way of individual non-organized violence that leads to anarchy? Or will you band together to fight a traditional bloody revolution?
Your choice, for those that still have one.
Will this be a second civil war? Nope, nothing will be “civil” about it. Because civility has been redefined as acquiescence ... as America did when Reagan opened the tent flap; and let the racist, sexist fringe Christian evangelicals have a seat at the big table ... as America did when it let their sons and daughters be killed and maimed by attacking and then occupying Iraq by the Bush crime family based on lies ... and now by allowing an obnoxious con man and TV clown become President despite a history of business failures, lies, sexism and racism
But the tipping point is now, when the powers-that-be tell America that profits from selling all types of weapons supersedes the lives of it’s school children ... and the slander thrown at the adolescent survivors of mass shootings who cry out for action to save their current and future peers. The tipping point is now, as your right to safe water, to live saving healthcare, to clean air, is being subverted by the corporate pursuit of the constructed ideal of money & profit. And, as Wall Street takes away your social security, your pensions, and monopolies gain control of every aspect of your life, you will draw the line. When the supermarkets stop magically filling up with good, quality choices (if they fill up in your neighborhood at all), you will draw the line. When your children’s education is totally stymied by economic impediments via corporatization and a single test that determines their academic future, you will draw the line.
Yes, you will say “enough” and fight back, America. No more civil acquiescence. The question is, will you have the honesty, wisdom and courage to band together , or fight each other as those who orchestrate you misery watch in comfort and glee? And will non-violent resistance in the way of Ghandi and King be the way, or will you go the way of individual non-organized violence that leads to anarchy? Or will you band together to fight a traditional bloody revolution?
Your choice, for those that still have one.