NO, we don't.
[ roo-ler ]
a person who rules or governs; sovereign.
yeah, we do.
No we don't, and saying that makes you look stupid.
most every democrat in office along with 75% of the republicans all believe they rule us and work above the law because the feds look out for their own. the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can get on board with helping fix the government instead of supporting establishment tyranny. that makes you look stupid.
LIE and LAME. We can't have a ruler for the simple fact of our separation of powers. Stop saying stupid things.
denial and ignorance makes you look young and naive. dont be a desh, k? think about what I said.....TECHNICALLY we do not have rulers, but realistically each one of those fuckers in office think they are above us.
so you choose to be a desh, got it.
You're the one acting like her. Call me another name; I know it calms you down.
The last thing the true rulers of America want is to see us set aside our differences and band together to start comparing notes and making plans. The Trump presidency is a prime example of the perfect puppet -- he keeps the rhetoric going, he has gathered a cult together, he foments bigotry and racism, xenophobia and fear. Cable media plays an important role too. Fox viewers are rabid and resistant to facts; so are MSNBC followers. Even with the Internet and free access to varying POVs, most of us still prefer to remain in our respective bubbles and label the ones outside of it with pejoratives.
Rachel Madows reporting is no more left leaning than Anderson Cooper
Don Lemon is no more left leaning than Cris Hayes
I watch both
name me one CNN person who you respect and I will prove it to you with a comparison of some MSNBC person you think is too liberal
the Bush team hated MSNBC because of keith Olberman
he was the ONLY one reporting what turned out to be the truth about the Iraq war and the Bush crash of the economy
The republicans then DEMONIZED MSNBC as some liberal hippy party being silly and too far left
But wait
Olberman turned out to be CORRECT
they turned out to be liars
then comes trumpy
the republicans already hate MSNBC
trumpys goes hmmmmm
then biggest non republican stations will BOTH be hated by the right
The other republicans did half the job for me already to begin destroying the people faith in media
you are hanging onto a trope
please re examine your preconceptions about MSNBC being more liberal leaning than CNN
I watch both
cant stand chris Mathews because he is culturally stuck in 1960
Most don't know this but he hates the Clintons because they didn't pay what he thought was the correct homage to Carter who is Mathews mentor
he worked the Carter campaign as a very young man
The funny thing is he is more right leaning than most of the people on CNN
hes old school Dem from the Carter days
I telling you
they are LEVEL in their reporting
CNN and MSNBC are level
True enough! It fascinates me that the current right wing mindset can't even bring itself to fully read what the opposition is saying before formulating an opinion, much less draw a conclusion. Yes, this exist in the left wing as well, but I'd say just from observation and experience that the righties have the left beat out in that respect.
the usual peanut gallery from the conservative fringe are lighting up this thread. I've got most of them on IA due to prior inane babbling and dishonesty on their part on other threads. Since CFM is the latest, he'll stay there. I'll look at the others to see if they've improved any since our last encounter.
so is it your opinion then that democrats/liberals had absolutely no participation in any of those kinds of actions?????
How about all you America hating, Fascistic lefties just self deporting to some Socialist utopia like Cuba, or Venezuela or Zimbabwe?
Can you give me a single good reason, why anyone should read past this obvious fabrication? No, of course you can't. You are dismissed out of hand.