I think lorax started during a 6% qrowth quarter which was followed by a 4% gtr 6 months later. .
What do you do; wait until the recession actually hits to "predict" a recession?
What a great prognosticator...
I think lorax started during a 6% qrowth quarter which was followed by a 4% gtr 6 months later. .
ill take the check. government service is not being done properly and i want my money back. Ill stick the money into my kids college fund.
A. I don't have any kids.
B. All my relatives in Ohio have jobs (or live in retirment homes).
Rebate checks and free trade are two different things. The rebate check is stupid. It's horrible policy.
Free trade helps allocate capital to where it is most efficient and thus helps bring about higher economic standards for all involved.
Protectionism isn't going to save the people in Ohio their jobs.
bush spent all the money there is none left. so borrowing money to give you a check back from china is like going into overdraft protection.
then why is NAFTA and free trade the dominant issue of 8/10 ohioans. and im glad your family has jobs, but do they work in that sector?
they just put college football fans through unneeded misory with the posing as a good team.
Payrolls shrank by 63,000 in Feb
Supertools 70% recession chance may even be low.
Mr glassoverflowing topspin was wrong you guys are right.
I would have much more like to pound the shit out of USC than the buckeye's
wow your not hanging on to the usc is really good phallicy are you?