Oh, But It's NOT Nation Building!

Ok MM...I might have overstated it....and the celibrations did not all take place on 9/11 or 9/12 and some not even in 2001, and not ALL over the world.......but calibrate they did...

Great Britain
East Jeruslaem
West Bank
and last but not least
United States

they dance all over the islamic world, i saw it, and everyone i know saw it....remember the "why do they hate us" ...that came primarily from them dancing and chanting
Errr Dixie, you seem to be forgetting that Afghanistan based Al Queada terrorist flew 3 jets into US buildings killing thousands of Americans. Now....call me crazy.....but maybe, just maybe....that just might meet the standard of "A clear and present danger".

No, actually, 19 natives of mostly Saudi Arabia, living in the US, posing as exchange students, flew 3 jets into US buildings killing thousands of Americans. They belonged to a group of terrorists who had HQ in Afghanistan, and training camps in Iraq and the mountains of Pakistan, and we took them out in Iraq.

It's amazing how the very same people, arguing against this very same thing, were making completely opposite arguments for Bush going into Iraq, 7 years ago. You accused him of using 9/11, but now you are using 9/11 to go to war in Pakistan, and escalate the war in Afghanistan.

You know, why don't you guys just come out and say your only principle is to go along with whatever the rest of the pinheads are saying? Because, to me, that's frankly how you come across. Thread after thread, pinhead after pinhead, revealing what an absolute hypocritical hack you are in every post.

We are sending bombs into a nuclear and Muslim country! Now, I am not a Muslim, but I would think this might trouble them more than us invading a secular Iraq and overthrowing the tyrant ruler.

The crazy thing about Democrats, they never seem to learn how to keep us out of war.... real good at getting us into them... that's about all. This is more evidence to support Dixie's Theory on Liberal Accusation... whatever they are pissing and moaning about, is exactly what they will be completely guilty of when they get power. Whether it's cheating at the ballot box, or getting us into unjust wars.
they dance all over the islamic world, i saw it, and everyone i know saw it....remember the "why do they hate us" ...that came primarily from them dancing and chanting

you and everyone you know saw it??

and I suppose that is what you offer up as "proof"?:pke:

well....I and everyone I know didn't see it.

what else ya got?
No, actually, 19 natives of mostly Saudi Arabia, living in the US, posing as exchange students, flew 3 jets into US buildings killing thousands of Americans. They belonged to a group of terrorists who had HQ in Afghanistan, and training camps in Iraq and the mountains of Pakistan, and we took them out in Iraq.

It's amazing how the very same people, arguing against this very same thing, were making completely opposite arguments for Bush going into Iraq, 7 years ago. You accused him of using 9/11, but now you are using 9/11 to go to war in Pakistan, and escalate the war in Afghanistan.

You know, why don't you guys just come out and say your only principle is to go along with whatever the rest of the pinheads are saying? Because, to me, that's frankly how you come across. Thread after thread, pinhead after pinhead, revealing what an absolute hypocritical hack you are in every post.

We are sending bombs into a nuclear and Muslim country! Now, I am not a Muslim, but I would think this might trouble them more than us invading a secular Iraq and overthrowing the tyrant ruler.

The crazy thing about Democrats, they never seem to learn how to keep us out of war.... real good at getting us into them... that's about all. This is more evidence to support Dixie's Theory on Liberal Accusation... whatever they are pissing and moaning about, is exactly what they will be completely guilty of when they get power. Whether it's cheating at the ballot box, or getting us into unjust wars.

we are attacking far flung terrorist outposts in areas of Pakistan that their own military cannot control if we have actionable intelligence that terrorists are there. That is NOT going to way against Pakistan.
you and everyone you know saw it??

and I suppose that is what you offer up as "proof"?:pke:

well....I and everyone I know didn't see it.

what else ya got?

do shut up...millions saw it, the fact you're blind doesn't mean it didn't happen....why do they hate us?

you're lucky i have more integrity and honesty than you regarding private communications and that i don't spill the beans....
do shut up...millions saw it, the fact you're blind doesn't mean it didn't happen....why do they hate us?

you're lucky i have more integrity and honesty than you regarding private communications and that i don't spill the beans....

there was some celebration when 9/11 happened, but by a small minority of the muslim world.

there was little outrage when we invaded Afghanistan despite your claims to the contrary.

and regarding your integrity...I always knew that it was a crapshoot to share any confidences with you. The more I think about it, I guess it was a bad decision... you'll probably betray that trust rather rapidly. I won't be surprised.
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there was some celebration when 9/11 happened, but by a small minority of the muslim world.

there was little outrage when we invaded Afghanistan despite your claims to the contrary.

Why Did So Many Muslims Seem to Celebrate 9/11?


why did so many inhabitants of the long Muslim "street," stretching from Morocco to Indonesia, appear to be overjoyed by what Osama bin Laden's henchmen had accomplished? For that matter, why were certain Islamic jurists in Pakistan issuing fatwas directing Muslims to fight American infidels if they attacked Afghanistan? And why do firebrand clerics throughout the Islamic world continue to issue equally inflammatory decrees?


its all there for those who are not blind
Why Did So Many Muslims Seem to Celebrate 9/11?


why did so many inhabitants of the long Muslim "street," stretching from Morocco to Indonesia, appear to be overjoyed by what Osama bin Laden's henchmen had accomplished? For that matter, why were certain Islamic jurists in Pakistan issuing fatwas directing Muslims to fight American infidels if they attacked Afghanistan? And why do firebrand clerics throughout the Islamic world continue to issue equally inflammatory decrees?


its all there for those who are not blind

like I said... it was a tiny fraction of the muslim world.

but then, what would you know about the muslim world?
Why Did So Many Muslims Seem to Celebrate 9/11?


why did so many inhabitants of the long Muslim "street," stretching from Morocco to Indonesia, appear to be overjoyed by what Osama bin Laden's henchmen had accomplished? For that matter, why were certain Islamic jurists in Pakistan issuing fatwas directing Muslims to fight American infidels if they attacked Afghanistan? And why do firebrand clerics throughout the Islamic world continue to issue equally inflammatory decrees?


its all there for those who are not blind

for those who are honest and have integrity....
for those who are honest and have integrity....

from your link:

Is Islamism, then, a clear and present danger—to the United States and to the world in general, including its 1.2 billion Muslims? The answer might seem obvious in light of the havoc wreaked by a band of Islamist zealots on September 11. To the extent that it nourishes and encourages fanatical hatred, it clearly is a danger. And as Johns Hopkins University international security specialist Michael Vlahos argues in his cogent study "Terror's Mask: Insurgency Within Islam," Americans must be forthright in naming their foe. It is not some nameless "terrorism," Vlahos writes, but a dangerous movement within Islam.

This Islamist insurgency is certainly not all of Islam. And in his book Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam, the French scholar Gilles Kepel makes the persuasive case that Islamism itself has split into moderate and extreme elements, with the former championing various notions of Muslim democracy and the latter resorting to violence and terrorism to bring about totalitarian theocracies. Indeed, Kepel argues that September 11 was a last-ditch effort on the part of Islamist extremists to revive their waning movement. "In spite of what many hasty commentators concluded in its aftermath," Kepel writes, "the attack on the United States was a desperate symbol of the isolation, fragmentation, and decline of the Islamist movement, not a sign of its strength and irrepressible might."

probably not in the Cliff notes
so the dishonest tude believes that part but not the other part....

you're irrelevent and fortunate i keep my word and will not spill the beans
so the dishonest tude believes that part but not the other part....

you're irrelevent and fortunate i keep my word and will not spill the beans

and you believe YOUR part and not that part:pke: what a surprise.

I actually understand the dynamics and history of Qutbism and wahhabism and radical Islam in general pretty well for a westerner... I had a PLO colonel give me an in depth lecture on it one long lazy afternoon-evening over innumerable cups of strong arabic coffee... I understand why it got started.. I understand its attraction... and I know, first hand, of the limits of that attraction. I am comfortable saying that extremist Islamic radicalism is embraced by a small portion of the muslim world. I am comfortable saying that only that small portion celebrated on 9/11...and only that small portion was outraged by our invasion of Afghanistan.

and, while I would never say that you are irrelevant, I would say that your opinions on this subject are not as broadly and personally informed as mine...

and, as I said above... I knew when I shared that little "confidence" with you that there was a good chance that, given your immaturity and lack of integrity, you would betray the trust you promised. I won't be all that surprised when you do.
[OTE=maineman;418236]and you believe YOUR part and not that part:pke: what a surprise.

liar...i never said that, prove i did or retract your lie

and, as I said above... I knew when I shared that little "confidence" with you that there was a good chance that, given your immaturity and lack of integrity, you would betray the trust you promised. I won't be all that surprised when you do.

you just blew it, for that insult you just gave me permission to tell everyone about it, thank you asshole....
you just blew it, for that insult you just gave me permission to tell everyone about it, thank you asshole....

we both know that's not the case yurt. I wrote you a PM in strict confidence only because you PROMISED me that you would never reveal what I said.

Do I have your permission to quote the PM from you that provided that offer of complete confidentiality?

You certainly do NOT have MY permission to quote my response to it... but I would love to show the world how you, with your vaunted code of ethics, now show your true stripes.
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we both know that's not the case yurt. I wrote you a PM in strict confidence only because you PROMISED me that you would never reveal what I said.

Do I have your permission to quote the PM from you that provided that offer of complete confidentiality?

You certainly do NOT have MY permission to quote my response to it... but I would love to show the world how you, with your vaunted code of ethics, now show your true stripes.

you've already broken any trust by revealing our pm's to begin with. i never said i would violate my promise, YOU said you expected me to and that i have no integrity, you shit on my trust and claim i don't have any....why should i, after being accused of having no integrity and accused that you expected me to break that trust, keep any trust?

I knew when I shared that little "confidence" with you that there was a good chance that, given your immaturity and lack of integrity, you would betray the trust you promised. I won't be all that surprised when you do.

the lesson for you liar is:

be careful of what you accuse people as your lies may just get you want you ask for....if you are going to taunt me about keeping your secret hidden, why should i not make it known?

as i said before, you are lucky i, unlike you, have integrity and will keep your confession confidential....however, i am fully within my rights to void any trust as you have accused me of not having any and you are the one who made our private communications, that YOU started public.

you have no honor.
oh...and just for consistency's sake:

liar...i never said that, prove i did or retract your lie:pke:

back peddler....you claimed my source was wrong and you maintained your assertion....

so are you now saying that my source is right? yes or no. real simple.

Why Did So Many Muslims Seem to Celebrate 9/11?


why did so many inhabitants of the long Muslim "street," stretching from Morocco to Indonesia, appear to be overjoyed by what Osama bin Laden's henchmen had accomplished? For that matter, why were certain Islamic jurists in Pakistan issuing fatwas directing Muslims to fight American infidels if they attacked Afghanistan? And why do firebrand clerics throughout the Islamic world continue to issue equally inflammatory decrees
you've already broken any trust by revealing our pm's to begin with. i never said i would violate my promise, YOU said you expected me to and that i have no integrity, you shit on my trust and claim i don't have any....why should i, after being accused of having no integrity and accused that you expected me to break that trust, keep any trust?

because, supposedly, you have a professional code of ethics???

the lesson for you liar is:

be careful of what you accuse people as your lies may just get you want you ask for....if you are going to taunt me about keeping your secret hidden, why should i not make it known?

because you promised not to... but perhaps your promises are worthless. Like I said, I would not be surprised if that were the case.

as i said before, you are lucky i, unlike you, have integrity and will keep your confession confidential....however, i am fully within my rights to void any trust as you have accused me of not having any and you are the one who made our private communications, that YOU started public.
is that what your professional code of ethics teaches you? I MADE NO promise to keep anything confidential... YOU are the one who did that. If a client tells you something in confidence, and then, later, he publicly insults you, do you then have a RIGHT to divulge that confidence? I can't ask him, but I'd bet a lot of money that my Dad would say otherwise.