And Canadians would 'know' all about American system by ?...
Oh yea, what they read in papers that are telling them the superiority of their system? Or maybe US papers that do the same?
Or maybe stories like this one.
"Chelsea Caudle began signing her text messages this summer with a countdown. At 14 years old, she knew no better way to express what was coming. Day Zero was to be Oct. 7, the day Dad left for Army basic training in Fort Jackson, S.C. He was moving 950 miles from their home in Watertown, 950 miles from Mom.
He was leaving, even though Mom was sick with ovarian cancer. Even though he had been at her side through two long, miserable rounds of chemotherapy. Even though she now faced the likelihood of a third.
In fact, Dad was leaving because Mom was sick.
In March, he was laid off from his job as a raw materials coordinator for a plastics company called PolyOne, where he'd worked for 20 years. His severance package had provided several months' salary, but by August the paychecks were winding down. Soon the cost of his family health coverage was going to triple, then a few months after that, nearly triple again. They needed coverage so Mom could fight her cancer.
Dad's solution: a four-year hitch in the Army."
A family man, 39 years old with a 14 year old daughter and a wife battling ovarian cancer has to join the army so his wife can get medical treatment.
Survival rate for ovarian cancer: 44.7%. That's the likelihood of being alive five years after the first diagnosis.
The story continues with: "Just six months earlier she'd celebrated the end of her second chemotherapy treatment. Now, the tests revealed tiny "spots," or changes on her abdomen, neck and lungs. Not a good sign............For three years she'd been nurturing her hope in the face of uncertainty.
"I'm not going to beat this," she said."(END)
Bottom line. There's better than a 50/50 chance she will die before his enlistment obligation ends. They can't even spend their remaining time together. And a 14 year old girl will be missing one parent while watching the other die.
Tell us, Annie, how great the medical system is.