Did you really type that? They buy a fucking printer and hook it up. Some go to work, Some go work out. Some take the wife to dinner. No the parents are likely not involved unless he is a white power type, KKK member, or a militia member. Some rightys are pretty crazy.
Sounds like this is an issue with parenting, or rather a lack thereof, not with 3d printing. First of all, if you raised a kid that would ever mess around with a firearm like that, you haven't disciplined your child properly. Second of all,
watch your fucking kid! It's that simple. And if you won't, find somebody who will. Family member, babysitter, school/afterschool. And if you can't find
some way to have your kid supervised, you shouldn't have had a kid in the first place. Too many parents not fit to be parents. I'm not saying you need to have an eye on them 24/7 but if your kid somehow has an entire 3d printer (which the cheapest ones are running over
a grand mind you) and is printing fucking guns on it without your knowledge....there's a problem. You say kids with parents of means could just buy one, but the question then is: why is your kid able to spend thousands of dollars of your money, or frankly any of your money, without your knowledge?
Bottom line here is this: the solution to a parenting problem frankly does not have to do with anything else
but parenting. Even if you
could close pandora's box on this one and regulate all the scary guns away with the wave of your pen, there will
always be dangerous things for kids to get into. It's a dangerous world. That's the reality. This is why we have birth control, for if you don't have the patience/time to raise and supervise a kid properly, or shit if that fails that you can get an abortion, put it up for adoption,
something. Plenty of options. Kids take alot of work. You don't get to just pop out a bunch of kids and keep the luxury of going out by yourself, leaving your kid completely unsupervised. And before you say parents have to work, if you have so little money you're working past school hours, and still can't hire somebody to fill that gap, you don't have the money for a kid. See the possible solutions to that above.