Maybe you should re-think that Libertarian label you carry around with you.
Libertarians think that we should let other countries mind their own affairs, unless there's a national security threat to us, or unless there is some egregious human rights issue or genocide we need to be directly concerned about
I'm not so sure discussing Venezuala's move toward socialism is the same as advocating intervention.
But continue with your strawman if you like. You know that you are making a fool out of yourself here, but I imagine you'll cling to your position rather than back down.
If you don't want to discuss any country other than America, that's your right. But don't try to attack me for being interested in something beyond our borders. I'm sorry you don't read the international papers and are egregiously ill-informed about foreign affairs, but I do read and the subject does interest me, so I will continue to discuss it with or without your approval.