Oh Noes! Zimbabwe Schools Raise Tuition Fees Despite Presidential Ban

Maybe you should re-think that Libertarian label you carry around with you.

Libertarians think that we should let other countries mind their own affairs, unless there's a national security threat to us, or unless there is some egregious human rights issue or genocide we need to be directly concerned about


I'm not so sure discussing Venezuala's move toward socialism is the same as advocating intervention.

But continue with your strawman if you like. You know that you are making a fool out of yourself here, but I imagine you'll cling to your position rather than back down.

If you don't want to discuss any country other than America, that's your right. But don't try to attack me for being interested in something beyond our borders. I'm sorry you don't read the international papers and are egregiously ill-informed about foreign affairs, but I do read and the subject does interest me, so I will continue to discuss it with or without your approval.
I'm not so sure discussing Venezuala's move toward socialism is the same as advocating intervention.

But continue with your strawman if you like. You know that you are making a fool out of yourself here, but I imagine you'll cling to your position rather than back down.

If you don't want to discuss any country other than America, that's your right. But don't try to attack me for being interested in something beyond our borders. I'm sorry you don't read the international papers and are egregiously ill-informed about foreign affairs, but I do read and the subject does interest me, so I will continue to discuss it with or without your approval.

My goodness, you're a crankly little fella. Even when I used smiley to indicate friendly banter, I was labelled a "fool".

I was responding (and I think ladyt was too) to the fact that you said it was apathy to not get hyperventillated about Venezuela's school curriculum.

It wasn't apathy. It was simply not caring to express faux outrage over another countires educational system, or their internal matters. That's for them to decide. I've actually worked and lived in Venezuela. Its better than some latin american countries, worse than others. But, its not a basket case of vast human rights violations and genocides. I really can't get that interested or outraged at their school curriculum. Do I wish their citizens all the best, and hope for democracy and economic fairness for them? Yes, I do.
I'm not so sure discussing Venezuala's move toward socialism is the same as advocating intervention.

But continue with your strawman if you like. You know that you are making a fool out of yourself here, but I imagine you'll cling to your position rather than back down.

If you don't want to discuss any country other than America, that's your right. But don't try to attack me for being interested in something beyond our borders. I'm sorry you don't read the international papers and are egregiously ill-informed about foreign affairs, but I do read and the subject does interest me, so I will continue to discuss it with or without your approval.

Seriously, do they give you guys classes on how to be a pompous, self-righteous ass before you get your Libertarian card?

You guys don't win many converts, now, I am the first to admit that is largely due to your ideology, but the personalities don't help. Lighten up, or you'll end up like RS...permanently constipated. You might think that's cool in your 20's, but by the time you are in your 30's it just makes you an aging crank.
With children in inflation-ridden Zimbabwe heading back to school this week, private and mission schools have boosted their fees by as much as 300% despite an order from President Robert Mugabe last week barring any unauthorized increases.


Dear Resident Libertarians,
Help me out. I'm confused as to where I should focus my faux-rage.

1) On the one hand Mugabe barred unauthorized increases
2) On the other they are raising fees by up to 300%

What to do what to do.....

Nuclear weapons, Tiana. It's obvious, isn't it?
Now, HERE'S a story that would get a libertarian teary-eyed:

With RICH PEOPLE'S CHILDREN in inflation-ridden Zimbabwe heading back to PRIVATE, CHRISTIAN ORIENTED school this week, THE GOVERNMENT RAISED TAXES SO THAT PUBLIC schools could REDUCE their fees FOR POOR STUDENTS by as much as 300% UNDER SOCIALIST PRESIDENT MUGABE.


Dear Resident SOCIALISTS,
Help me out. I'm confused as to where I should focus my faux-rage.

2) On the other they are REDUCING fees FOR THE CHILDREN OF LAZY POOR PEOPLE by up to 300%

What to do what to do.....
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Now for the real question were these private or public schools in Zimbabwe ?

also don't forget that Paraguay has a lower student to teacher ratio than the USA does.
Now, HERE'S a story that would get a libertarian teary-eyed:

Dear Resident SOCIALISTS,
Help me out. I'm confused as to where I should focus my faux-rage.

2) On the other they are REDUCING fees FOR THE CHILDREN OF LAZY POOR PEOPLE by up to 300%

What to do what to do.....

LMAO. :p