Oh the Irony. Abu Graib Prisoners want Americans back

I thought it was funny sarcasm. I figured you all would have known that...


Libs don't appreciate sacasism. They take everything said literally.

I'm sure the iraq guards there now are a lot worse than our guards who just liked to demean the prisoners. They are probably getting tortured and beat regularly now as opposed to being made fun of.
Libs don't appreciate sacasism. They take everything said literally.

I'm sure the iraq guards there now are a lot worse than our guards who just liked to demean the prisoners. They are probably getting tortured and beat regularly now as opposed to being made fun of.

fyi, Grind is NOT a liberal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he's sort of, "one of a kind" actually.... :)
Libs don't appreciate sacasism. They take everything said literally.

I'm sure the iraq guards there now are a lot worse than our guards who just liked to demean the prisoners. They are probably getting tortured and beat regularly now as opposed to being made fun of.

damo's comment was the liberal one.. saying nothing could be worse than what we did.

Lol buddy, I am not a liberal.... for starters... I don't believe in taxation. I also don't care about the poor and would rather the handicapped die than get one dollar by me through force.

K? Thanks.

- Grind
Libs don't appreciate sacasism. They take everything said literally.

I'm sure the iraq guards there now are a lot worse than our guards who just liked to demean the prisoners. They are probably getting tortured and beat regularly now as opposed to being made fun of.

So they are worse, does that lessen our shame for our behaviour ?
So they are worse, does that lessen our shame for our behaviour ?

The iraqi Interior Ministry is a known safe-haven for death squads and shia militia. I sure as hell would rather have american guards, than Iraqi Interior Ministry guards.

I don't think the Iraqi Interior Ministry is the standard to which we compare how good or "bad" we are.

We judge ourselves on american values.
The iraqi Interior Ministry is a known safe-haven for death squads and shia militia. I sure as hell would rather have american guards, than Iraqi Interior Ministry guards.

I don't think the Iraqi Interior Ministry is the standard to which we compare how good or "bad" we are.

We judge ourselves on american values.

Yep, that old song of they are just as bad or worse than we are is sure a childish song....
So is the song that we are all bad because of the actions of the few. We caught them, we punished them... Nobody credible cheered them.

Its the policies that were bad. Not the american troops at large.

Alberto Gonzalez's "defintion" of torture is organ-failure.

Meaning, waterboarding, beatings (short of organ failure), and dog bites are technically not torture.
So is the song that we are all bad because of the actions of the few. We caught them, we punished them... Nobody credible cheered them.

I have not said that, and some seemed to cheer them. Remember some equating them to college pranks and such.....
I am not totally sure that all involved were punished either.
Regardless, the likelihood is they want the Americans back because even what did happen was actually rare and they know that those who did it were punished. Not because we are "relatively" better, but because almost every one of the troops use those same American values...

I get tired of only hearing the worst, except in apologetics after the fact. "I'm sorry that you point out I'm not saying anything good, the vast majority blah, blah..." It begins to sound like platitudes and often, to the troops sounds like cheerleading the bad while downplaying the good....
Damo, I really dont see a whole lot of good in invading and occupying Iraq. I do not blame the troops for this of course, they have to do what they are told to do by their commander in cheek.
Damo, I really dont see a whole lot of good in invading and occupying Iraq. I do not blame the troops for this of course, they have to do what they are told to do by their commander in cheek.
That we disagree with the invasion and occupation makes no excuse to use every mistake by American troops as a battering ram, painting them with the failures of others, marking them as failures as well.

Saying after the fact, "Well, I didn't mean all troops!" isn't quite the same thing as insuring that it is heard long before other people say, "Hey! Wait! The entire Army isn't acing this way!"
That we disagree with the invasion and occupation makes no excuse to use every mistake by American troops as a battering ram, painting them with the failures of others, marking them as failures as well.

Saying after the fact, "Well, I didn't mean all troops!" isn't quite the same thing as insuring that it is heard long before other people say, "Hey! Wait! The entire Army isn't acing this way!"
If all people hear is "Look at what the Army did!" and not, "Look, these criminals were punished and our guys do have American values and are paying attention to them!" what are we really saying.

Once again, it is like a propaganda mill, if all you hear is the "good" of something BEWARE, you are being propagandized. The same is for the opposite of the coin...
That we disagree with the invasion and occupation makes no excuse to use every mistake by American troops as a battering ram, painting them with the failures of others, marking them as failures as well.

Saying after the fact, "Well, I didn't mean all troops!" isn't quite the same thing as insuring that it is heard long before other people say, "Hey! Wait! The entire Army isn't acing this way!"

So you cant refer to the despicable actions of one without hitting all of a group.

So if I call dixie a worthless piecs of excrement I am referring to all humans ?
or if I say the Abu grabass soldiers that took part in the problems there I am talking about all the soldiers everywhere ?
No you are on the wrong track on this issue.