Ohio Congressman Died

I'm always curious. In CO, he would be replaced by the party central committee, unless it took too long.
I think its obvious that Bush poisoned him.

I was going to say that, because that was my first thought, but...I didn't want to sound crazy. SF will come along and say you're a "bush-hater". Right away, they accuse you of that.
Damo... you should change the title of the thread to "old white guy poltician dies" so that everyone knows it really isn't worth reading.

That said, I would also be curious as to the procedure in Ohio for replacement. Do they go to the diebold machines to see who is next on the programming output? ;)
Damo... you should change the title of the thread to "old white guy poltician dies" so that everyone knows it really isn't worth reading. That said, I would also be curious as to the procedure in Ohio for replacement. Do they go to the diebold machines to see who is next on the programming output? ;)

Why are you so racist SF?