Ohio Congressman Died


uh-oh HE might not find it as funny when you do it as when me or Tiana does it. I just have a feeling.

Its just downright wierd. I'll make an assertion or statement, and he'll yell "Moron!". Then Socretease or you make the same statment as I did, and he'll agree.

Nah.... I put him on ignore, so he can say whatever he wishes.... won't bug me at all. UNLESS... you quote it!!! :D


I'll take this as your ultimate Surrender, after all the times I wiped the floor with you, and completely debunked almost all of your assertions!

:whiteflag: :crybaby: :toilet:
Only one other person in this board's history has IA'd me. I mean, its not like I'm even close to being board's rudest, trolliest, or insane posters.

It was Dixie that IA'd me, cause I kept kicking his ass.

Superfreak and Dixie. Keeping good company there, SF!
I was going to say that, because that was my first thought, but...I didn't want to sound crazy. SF will come along and say you're a "bush-hater". Right away, they accuse you of that.

LOL.. well, do you hate bush ??
Only one other person in this board's history has IA'd me. I mean, its not like I'm even close to being board's rudest, trolliest, or insane posters.

It was Dixie that IA'd me, cause I kept kicking his ass.

Superfreak and Dixie. Keeping good company there, SF!

Wow. I guess you must have gotten to SF. It does suck being right all the time doesn't it.
Wow. I guess you must have gotten to SF. It does suck being right all the time doesn't it.

awww... is the little retard crying? Bottom line, he is a lying piece of shit. The king of strawmen. The king of cherry picking data. He is a fucking tool and does not deserve any more of my time.

It is for the greater good. This way, if we should ever meet, I can buy him a beer rather than knock the ever living crap out of him. ;)