Ohio inactive voter purge criteria upheld by SCOTUS

Cry harder for me bitch. Let’s get those voter rolls cleaned up

You should have had a better candidate in 2016

Suck it[/QUOTE Typical Trumplestilkskin. What do we gain by cleaning up those dirty rolls? I guess you discovered that dead people don't come back and tell the election comm. to take Their names off. But then dead people don't vote either. This is manufactured for one reason, to stop likely dems from voting. Cheating people out of their right to vote.is honorable when it does that.

How is it "cheating" anyone from voting?
Cry harder for me bitch. Let’s get those voter rolls cleaned up

You should have had a better candidate in 2016

Suck it

Their loss to Trump even made them start to cry about the Electoral College, didn't it?

They - and Hillary - refuse to take responsibility for their own failure and blame "cheating", Russians," "Bernie," "misogyny" etc.

Did you read the article linked in the OP?

The court ruled 5-4 that Ohio did not violate federal laws by purging voters who failed to vote for six years and did not confirm their residency. Ohio has the strictest such law in the nation.

The ruling protects similar laws in six states, including several electing governors or U.S. senators this fall. They are Pennsylvania, Georgia, Oregon, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Montana. Justice Samuel Alito noted in his majority opinion that about one in eight voter registrations in the USA are invalid or inaccurate. He said failing to vote cannot be the sole reason for purging voters, but Ohio "removes registrants only if they have failed to vote and have failed to respond to a notice."

Under federal laws enacted in 1993 and 2002, states cannot remove voters from registration lists because of their failure to vote. But they can do so if voters don't respond to confirmation notices.

"A state violates the failure-to-vote clause only if it removes registrants for no reason other than their failure to vote," Alito said. By contrast, he said, Ohio waits six years before removal, following federal law "to the letter."


I think Georgia purges the voter rolls in 2 years rather than 6..
Their loss to Trump even made them start to cry about the Electoral College, didn't it?

They - and Hillary - refuse to take responsibility for their own failure and blame "cheating", Russians," "Bernie," "misogyny" etc.


In 2012 Trump ranted and raved against the Electoral College.. He wanted to do away with it and just go with the popular vote.
I think Georgia purges the voter rolls in 2 years rather than 6..

why not one?......to purge the voter list simply means to remove people who no longer allowed to vote.....for example dead people and those who have moved somewhere else.......give me one good reason why they should NOT be removed from the list........
It's merely american history pard. The founder's vision was that only land holding affluent white males alone got the vote. We all know it, which is why you have to engage in denial.

That was not their vision. They left setting voting qualifications to the states and requirements varied. In NJ women could vote if they owned property, freed slaves could vote in four states, NH abolished the property requirement in 1792. Most states did limit voting to male property owners, but the point is that any state could allow anybody to vote they chose to. They specifically rejected having federal voting standards. The national requirement to be a citizen to vote in federal elections did not occur until 1995.
That was not their vision. They left setting voting qualifications to the states and requirements varied. In NJ women could vote if they owned property, freed slaves could vote in four states, NH abolished the property requirement in 1792. Most states did limit voting to male property owners, but the point is that any state could allow anybody to vote they chose to. They specifically rejected having federal voting standards. The national requirement to be a citizen to vote in federal elections did not occur until 1995.

Every State should purge the voters list, for anyone who missed a Federal election; seeing as how they can always reregister.
People move away or out of state... or die or stop voting.. I can't imagine the voter registration would be static.

After a Federal Election, the voting rolls should be looked at and any one that didn't vote should be purged.

Then have public service announcements that tell people: "If you didn't vote in the last Federal Election, you will need to reregister.
That was not their vision. They left setting voting qualifications to the states and requirements varied. In NJ women could vote if they owned property, freed slaves could vote in four states, NH abolished the property requirement in 1792. Most states did limit voting to male property owners, but the point is that any state could allow anybody to vote they chose to. They specifically rejected having federal voting standards. The national requirement to be a citizen to vote in federal elections did not occur until 1995.

Like I said. Your founders feared and loathed the common folk and set up a constitution "granting" (even though their fweedumb was from their god) the vote (representation) to aristocratic males alone. Revisit Bacons Rebellion and the aftermath wherein the mechanisms of dividing the unsubstantial people were explored and established.
Like I said. Your founders feared and loathed the common folk and set up a constitution "granting" (even though their fweedumb was from their god) the vote (representation) to aristocratic males alone. Revisit Bacons Rebellion and the aftermath wherein the mechanisms of dividing the unsubstantial people were explored and established.

Our founders!!

That must mean you're not an American, are probably living elsewhere, and haven't realized that this means your opinion doesn't mean shit. :good4u:
Like I said. Your founders feared and loathed the common folk and set up a constitution "granting" (even though their fweedumb was from their god) the vote (representation) to aristocratic males alone. Revisit Bacons Rebellion and the aftermath wherein the mechanisms of dividing the unsubstantial people were explored and established.

To be more accurate, the only body the founders allowed the voters to choose was the House. Senate, president, and judiciary were not chosen by the voters. The founders were aware what they established would "deteriorate" into a democracy which was what Franklin meant by establishing a republic "if you can keep it." What the founders created is less important than the fact that today it has evolved into a system with universal suffrage no longer limited to aristocratic males.
It's merely american history pard. The founder's vision was that only land holding affluent white males alone got the vote. We all know it, which is why you have to engage in denial.

Yep, in moron land where you wallow, America and the Constitution is bad. STFU moron.
Like I said. Your founders feared and loathed the common folk and set up a constitution "granting" (even though their fweedumb was from their god) the vote (representation) to aristocratic males alone. Revisit Bacons Rebellion and the aftermath wherein the mechanisms of dividing the unsubstantial people were explored and established.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; they feared ignorant low information dumbfuck a like you voting in elections and picking dishonest politicians who promised them free stuff.