Ohio Slow is playing Toledo

Oh Please. Va Tech would have a tough time against North Western. Iowa or Wisconsin would roll them up. Va Tech couldn't win the MAC title this year.

Lets see, N. Texas lost barely lost to Ohio, and then got slaughtered by Bama.

Nebraska beat 2 sunbelt teams soundly, and then lost to VaTech.

Maybe rethink your theory, Mott?
Oh please dude. Only the ACC has a bigger cupcake non-con schedule then the SEC. I'll give credit where it's due. Tenn and LSWho do have a decent non-con schedule but the rest of the SEC is cupcake city and Bama braging about playing a mediocrity like VaTech is laughable. BTW, Toledo could probably play VaTech a good game as their one of the top rated teams in the MAC. At least Ohio State isn't afraid to play anyone. Poor SEC has to play in their back yard or their gonna take their ball and go home! LOL
I have to retract this. LSWho and Tenn have the toughest non-conf schedule in the SEC but it's still cup cake city. LSWho's non-conf schedule has a combined 2008 won lose record of an awe inspiring 15 and 33. OSU's non-conf schedule has a respectable 2008 won loss record of 25-26. What is the SEC afraid of?
We play a weaker nonconference schedule because we play a tough conference.

There are more ranked teams from the SEC than from the Big 10.

And there are more teams from the SEC that have consistently been in the top 25.

Florida, Georgia, and LSU have consistently been in the top 25. Alabama has had a hiatus, but it was not that long ago that we were in it almost every year too. And we are back to stay. No one is surprised to see Tennessee and Auburn in the top 25.

Other than Penn State, Ohio State, and Michigan, who in the Big 10 is expected to be in the top 25 every year???
Oh please. Any team can have a run of a few years. There's only three teams in the SEC, that in the long haul, are in the same league as OSU, PSU and Mich. That's Bama, Tenn and LSWho add Florida into the mix you have four.

Georgia aint in the same league as those seven. Hell Minnesotta has won more national championships then GA. Right now GA is about in the same league as Wisconson. A good team but not elite. (and BTW, Wisc has consistantly been in the top 25 over the last 20 years).

By the way, the Big Ten(11) has won more national championships then any conference, including the SEC and they aren't afraid to play other elite teams on the road like the SEC is.

In terms of total wins only three southern teams are in the top 10 and only two of them are in the SEC and that's Alabama (#7) and Tenn (#8). Six of the top ten teams are from the midwest.
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In 2000 & 2001 we played UCLA. 2000 in their house and 2001 in ours.
We played Oklahoma in 2002 & 2003. Their house in '02 and our house in '03.
In 2002 & 2003 we also played Hawaii in their stadium.
In 2008 we played Clemson at a neutral site.
In 2009 we played VaTech at a neutral site.

Oh, and we aren't the best because a bunch of sports writers say we are. We are the best because a bunches of sports writers AND a bunch of college coaches voted SEC teams into the top 25 more than any other conference.

But then, what do sports writers and college football coaches know.
You're making my argument for me. Hawaii is a cupcake, Clemson and VaTech or middlen programs and you couldn't play them at their house. Whimps had to play them in a SEC stadium (The GA Dome). LOL

The SEC can blow smoke about your selves all you want to but until your willing to come up to the Shoe or the Bowl or Lincoln or play in front of touchdown Jesus or play a bowl game outside your backyards ya'll won't have any street cred.

That's one thing I'll give the Bear credit for. He'd play anyone, anywhere in a blizzard. That ended in the SEC when he retired.

That's another reason why a tournament is needed to put an end to the myth of SEC superiority.
Lets see, N. Texas lost barely lost to Ohio, and then got slaughtered by Bama.

Nebraska beat 2 sunbelt teams soundly, and then lost to VaTech.

Maybe rethink your theory, Mott?
Na, you're proving me right. There all cupcakes (including those formidable Bobcats of Ohio U) the only decent team is VaTech and Nebraska and their middlin teams at best this year. Gotta give Bama credit for playing them. There the only SEC team to play a ranked team (though VaTech is grossly over rated and the season will show that). Problem is, Bama didn't have the balls to play them at home in Virginia. They had to play them is a so-called neutral site that wasn't even neutral since it's an SEC country.
You're making my argument for me. Hawaii is a cupcake, Clemson and VaTech or middlen programs and you couldn't play them at their house. Whimps had to play them in a SEC stadium (The GA Dome). LOL

The SEC can blow smoke about your selves all you want to but until your willing to come up to the Shoe or the Bowl or Lincoln or play in front of touchdown Jesus or play a bowl game outside your backyards ya'll won't have any street cred.

That's one thing I'll give the Bear credit for. He'd play anyone, anywhere in a blizzard. That ended in the SEC when he retired.

That's another reason why a tournament is needed to put an end to the myth of SEC superiority.

I think what you call a myth is fact. The SEC kills itself far more often than they lose outside our conference.

FL lost to Ole Miss, but slaughtered in the bowl last year.

Playing in a blizzard is not a sign of a good football team. Its a sign of who learned to play in the snow. Bad weather ruins a football game. It doesn't make it better.