I guess that's all true, but facts don't really matter. This morning, she is the Comeback Girl.
She's been running this race, the past month, knowing full well she can't be the nominee without a big, dangerous, superdelagate fight. She's been running a two-pronged race. The first to "win" the nomination by getting the superdelegates to overturn the popular will, thus pissing off an important part of the party's base, probably enough to keep many home for this race and maybe future ones. The second prong has been in the possible maybe probable scenerio that obama is the nominee...she is trying to throw the general to McCain. That gives her 2012 as her last shot at being the first woman president. She's looking to take it.
She'll give up the Supreme court for the rest of our lives, more wars, and a bankrupted country.
Honestly, at this point, I should start rooting for a McCain presidency. you know what I get out of that? Less taxes. The Supreme court isn't going to affect me much. I'm one of the lucky ones . And , I don't even have kids. Why shouldn't I take my tax cuts and let Superfreaks and Damo's kids pay for it with their taxes and a severely reduced standard of living? I mean in a way, isn't that justice? Isn't that exactly how it should turn out? Fuck them. Very little of this directly affects me. I might take off to Acapulco and spend the rest of my life laughing my ass off watching the kids of all of these republican morons pay for the sins of the father.