Could that be because when your opponents are correct you try to dismiss them as if it didn't happen? Such as in WRL's thread about Dem corruption? When you stateed something like "well its about time they cheated". Acting like Dems haven't been doing it for over 40 years (at least). You simply dismiss it as if they are simply catching up to the Reps with regards to corruption. I suppose you are simply forgetting about Kennedy/Nixon in Illinois. yeah, that didn't happen....and it has been happening ever since.
But when someone brings up voter ID requirements, you act as if that won't help the problem. While it will not solve the intimidation and suppression problems that both sides use, it will help the fraud.
But please, continue to provide us the same line of BS that Desh uses, that it is just the Reps messing with the elections. The longer you are brainwashed into believing it is just "the other party" the longer both parties will be able to continue to screw you over.