Oil all time High

For the love of god, give it a fucking rest. If big oil really controlled as much as you seem to believe they do, then why were oil prices kept arbitrarily LOW for decades?

Also... if they control so much of the government, then why hasn't ANWR and the coasts been opened up to them to drill?

Why spend the money to open Anwar when you can just cause trhe price of middle east oil to go up and increase income ?
Umm Bush an the Republicans were not in control of the gummit for decades....
Why spend the money to open Anwar when you can just cause trhe price of middle east oil to go up and increase income ?
Umm Bush an the Republicans were not in control of the gummit for decades....

The point US is you act as though big oil is "controlling" the government, yet the government is hindering big oil's ability to drill in the US and off its coasts. Something big oil has wanted to do for decades. So the fucking point is.... they do NOT control the government as you suggested.

as for your last comment... NO FUCKING SHIT.... thanks for the brilliant insight. None of us were aware that Bush hasn't been in control for decades. Thanks captain obvious. What ever would we do without you?
ahh what job does a hs diploma quilify you for that a GED doesn't
MR GED!!!!

Seriously man... why the fuck do you continue to spout off stupid shit like this? Bill Gates only has a HS diploma. Go tell him how an individual must be a moron if they only have a HS degree.
Maybe this is a blessing in disguise... maybe this will get the Presidential Candidates off of the Socialized Health Care Discussion and on to the more important The Future of Our Energy Discussion
For the love of god, give it a fucking rest. If big oil really controlled as much as you seem to believe they do, then why were oil prices kept arbitrarily LOW for decades?

Also... if they control so much of the government, then why hasn't ANWR and the coasts been opened up to them to drill?

The US has been the most friendly nation on earth to oil drilling. I believe we have more oil wells here, than in the rest of the world combined. Over a million oil wells from what I recall.

Iraq has only a few thousand oil wells. I doubt saudi arabia has anywhere close to a million wells. Their wells can probably be measured in the tens of thousands.

Its a myth the the US government has been harsh on letting oil companies drill in the US.
If you want to truly be pissed off... be pissed at the government. The government that refuses to tap our own resources.

False. I just told you that the US has been the friendliest country on the planet, by far, in terms of the amount of oil wells we drill, and allowing oil companies to drill.

The government that blocks attempts to add to our own refining capacity.

Oil company CEOs gave testimony to congress, that it was THEIR decision to not expand refinery capacity in the last two decades because of market condtions. Refining is typically the least profitable part of the oil industry. They prefered to expand capacity, where needed, on existing refinery footprints. It was the "free market" that kept refining capacity tight.

The government that turns around and wastes our revenues year after year increasing our debt load and showing little for it.

True. We shouldn't have spent a trillion dollars on the iraq war.

The government who spent next to nothing during the 80's and 90's to promote alternative energy sources.

It was the reagan revolution that ended Jimmy Carter's support for a national alternative energy policy. The GOP congress in the 90s continued that. I've never felt so much belated love from wingnutters, for the policy proposals of Jimmy Carter ;)

Despite the greates bull market our economy has ever seen. It is the politicians that have failed us. Not the oil companies. That $45 billion in profit is NOTHING compared to the amount of money the US government wastes that could also very easily be diverted to helping those who cannot afford their energy payments.

You don't think our global military posture, and gulf war one and gulf war two, were about oil? The amount of money spent defending oil interests pales in comparison to the amount spent on SCHIP.

You are correct in saying that the oil industry isn't totally private. It is heavily regulated by the government. Yes, the government also spends money protecting the life blood of our economy. Until we regain control of our own energy needs, they will have to continue to do so.

In principle, I concur. Although, I don't know what you mean "heavily regulated. Sure, its regulated. As it should be. One can debate the efficacy of certain regulations.
the amount of well has little to do with the amount of reserves per will cypress, and to think your wierdness once made me think you we're a geologist.
We were the first to have millions of auto's to use the oil, OF COURSE WE HAVE MORE WELLS.
SUPERCOLDCALLER, I tease the educationally challenged USC with the GED cause it get to him just like the cold calling gets to you. BURN
do you think this will effect home heating oil prices in cold states for the winter and will Bush release some strategic reserves? Its just now starting to get to point we need heat in New England.

Think I will split up another cord of wood to be safe this week. Got about 6.5 ready so far. I don't want to touch my thermostat this winter.

Oil is reaching the all time high, but it's not AT the all time high.
Watergerber, what I understand is you don't even have a real job.
And I have been a professional accountant who knew all too well about inflation when you were in diapers
Watergerber, what I understand is you don't even have a real job.
And I have been a professional accountant who knew all too well about inflation when you were in diapers
