Loyal to the end
So it appears that once again the Democrats have come up with a "feel good" scheme of raising our taxes while claiming it's to save the planet, and all the while not doing a damn bit of good to solve the actual problem.
When I think of all that natural gas off the east coast that they won't let us drill for it makes me sick. How much of that gas will simply leak out of those deposits while we let it sit there? Don't they realize that methane is 7 times more destructive a greenhouse gas then the CO2 emiited when it is burned?
When I think of all that natural gas off the east coast that they won't let us drill for it makes me sick. How much of that gas will simply leak out of those deposits while we let it sit there? Don't they realize that methane is 7 times more destructive a greenhouse gas then the CO2 emiited when it is burned?