OJ Aqitted!

Cheap shot. Taken by someone who has NO argument of facts and credibility.

But thanks for playing.
But thanks for anything to attack d

russo bot holes are hard to program to make typos

its one way to spot the bot

they cant mimic humans

so they always point out any small human mistake

they have been programmed to spew hate on humans

spelling and typos mistakes are like magnets to russo bot holes
You dont think OJ killed his ex-wife?

I'll never say there's zero chance he did it but in this instance you take a racist police department that would do whatever it takes to make their suspect look guilty. That's what they did with OJ.
I'll never say there's zero chance he did it but in this instance you take a racist police department that would do whatever it takes to make their suspect look guilty. That's what they did with OJ.

That may be true, but its still clear to me he killed her regardless of if the police behaved correctly or not.
Go tell the teacher,bitch ass bitch

1. M. V. Mason (Marxist Mason, Mason, Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017
