OJ Thread

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Yeah, I did that early this morning after reading a post he made to me after I was gone yesterday.

I'm done. It's either that or blow up at him yet again, and then everybody looks at me, like I have a f'ing problem.
Yeah, I did that early this morning after reading a post he made to me after I was gone yesterday.

I'm done. It's either that or blow up at him yet again, and then everybody looks at me, like I have a f'ing problem.
Well, that's because they wonder why you are talking to yourself.
Sorry damo..............

Man, take a fun thread with tons of funny tongue-in-cheek humor and kill it why don't you?

But I have a real hard time finding humor in...something as monsterous as the murder of two innocent people...thats just me...I tried humor but Lady T and cippie ..made it a federal case...get the drift...if not I apologize..kay!
But I have a real hard time finding humor in...something as monsterous as the murder of two innocent people...thats just me...I tried humor but Lady T and cippie ..made it a federal case...get the drift...if not I apologize..kay!
I was also being sarcastic there. To me, the OJ thing was screwed up because the prosecution sucked and the cops had racist tapes of themselves ranting away about the 'n'-words...

As I said long ago, OJ should have just slaughtered everybody in the room, wiped their DNA all over himself and then went out back to chip golf balls. That's what happened last time and he got away with it, why mess with success?
I was also being sarcastic there. To me, the OJ thing was screwed up because the prosecution sucked and the cops had racist tapes of themselves ranting away about the 'n'-words...
As I said long ago, OJ should have just slaughtered everybody in the room, wiped their DNA all over himself and then went out back to chip golf balls. That's what happened last time and he got away with it, why mess with success?

No...one investigator...who by the way was a very good investigator...did he do a stupid thing being taped about the 'N' word...yes he did...was he predjudice...no! This type of talk back during and before this trial was common among both black and white officers in LAPD...the blue line was shared by both sides...it was not mean spirited...albeit it probably was insensitive! and stupid...kinda like the rap singers of today...end of story...two killers went free over a pc issue...!
No...one investigator...who by the way was a very good investigator...did he do a stupid thing being taped about the 'N' word...yes he did...was he predjudice...no! This type of talk back during and before this trial was common among both black and white officers in LAPD...the blue line was shared by both sides...it was not mean spirited...albeit it probably was insensitive! and stupid...kinda like the rap singers of today...end of story...two killers went free over a pc issue...!
What often matters to bring reasonable doubt is appearance. That the guy was able to work with the LA Cops for that long beng a clearly known racist gave such a doubt to some of the jurors, along with sloppy evidence collection and really crappy prosecution.
What often matters to bring reasonable doubt is appearance. That the guy was able to work with the LA Cops for that long beng a clearly known racist gave such a doubt to some of the jurors, along with sloppy evidence collection and really crappy prosecution.

You know for a fact that Mark was a racist?..Really Damo and you also worked for LAPD during this time period?...Mark was a good Investigator...stupid on the dry sense of humor side...yes! The evidence collected was according to the procedures of the day...yes the prosecution blew it!...The lady prosecutor was more worried about what shoes and hair do she had for the day...than anything else!

And the judge was how should I say it a joke...he was having a great time audtioning for a movie deal...he should have kept his day job...never mind I don't really recall him being in any movies as of late!
Yeah, I did that early this morning after reading a post he made to me after I was gone yesterday.

I'm done. It's either that or blow up at him yet again, and then everybody looks at me, like I have a f'ing problem.

I know. Perv and an idiot.
You know for a fact that Mark was a racist?..Really Damo and you also worked for LAPD during this time period?...Mark was a good Investigator...stupid on the dry sense of humor side...yes! The evidence collected was according to the procedures of the day...yes the prosecution blew it!...The lady prosecutor was more worried about what shoes and hair do she had for the day...than anything else!

And the judge was how should I say it a joke...he was having a great time audtioning for a movie deal...he should have kept his day job...never mind I don't really recall him being in any movies as of late!

I know that he was perceived as such, and that he was able to keep his job regardless worked very much against the credibility of the cops in this instance.
One is a "preponderance of evidence" the other "beyond reasonable doubt". So, yes.

Also, one is Civil, your liberties will not be taken away if you lose. The other criminal. They could do another trial based on his taking away their right to life.... A Federal Civil Rights case and it would not be double jeopardy.

I guess I under the stand the premise, I'm just wondering if its necessarily fair to be responsible for something you haven't been linked to. Technically we could all be the victim of such an affront if we merely own and/or are near the place where the crime happened.
What often matters to bring reasonable doubt is appearance. That the guy was able to work with the LA Cops for that long beng a clearly known racist gave such a doubt to some of the jurors, along with sloppy evidence collection and really crappy prosecution.

True dat. Personally I don't think OJ was completely innocent, but #1) The prosecution did not do a good job at proving its case #2) Fuhrman is/was a racist and they knew it. The lesson that should be learned is to get liabilities like that off the force.
Really Ladies...........?

I know. Perv and an idiot.

Lady T and darla are bi-polar..they say one thing in one thread then take the other side in another..really funny looking from the outside in! This is so cool since they both have me on ignore!:cof1:
I really hope that the media is going to shut up about this "story" because that is all I have seen on the "news" since it broke. It's really disgusting. Excuse me, but there is other stuff going on, far more important and impacting many lives.

no way i hate sensationalized news but i am ALL OVER this. :)