OK, We Need A New Law: A Special Counsel Report Automatically Goes To H+S Committees.

Hello Flash,

I don't think it is a check on the executive branch when the executive branch is conducting the investigation. Congress has the power to subpoena, investigate, impeach, and convict. The proper checks on the executive branch comes from Congress (and the courts) and they have the power to perform that function.

Right. But now we see that process is too cumbersome to be effective. Sure. That's going to happen if We the People are not satisfied with taking the President's word that this is a complete exoneration. So now what. We enter a phase of brand new investigations begun by Congress? To do what has already been done? Just to get information that is not being turned over? And how effective can those investigations be now that so much time has gone by?


That's not an effective checks and balances system.

The results of any investigation need to go to those who have the power to act upon it.

What good is an investigation that is controlled by the one being investigated?
Hello Flash,

Right. But now we see that process is too cumbersome to be effective. Sure. That's going to happen if We the People are not satisfied with taking the President's word that this is a complete exoneration. So now what. We enter a phase of brand new investigations begun by Congress? To do what has already been done? Just to get information that is not being turned over? And how effective can those investigations be now that so much time has gone by?


That's not an effective checks and balances system.

The results of any investigation need to go to those who have the power to act upon it.

What good is an investigation that is controlled by the one being investigated?

My point exactly. Either the Justice Department can choose to further investigate any issues and/or Congress can choose to take action. Congress has the same report everyone else does and have the facts is more important than having intelligence sources revealed or grand jury testimony made public (which Congress does not have the power to do).

The issue is simply whether a majority of the House members are willing to vote to impeach based on existing evidence only to see the conviction fail to get a 2/3 Senate vote. The whole point is to keep controversy in the news until the 2020 election. If Congress really cared they would be holding hearings on how to prevent future Russian interference. They could probably start by passing a law prohibiting U. S. interference in foreign elections.
Hello Flash,

My point exactly. Either the Justice Department can choose to further investigate any issues and/or Congress can choose to take action. Congress has the same report everyone else does and have the facts is more important than having intelligence sources revealed or grand jury testimony made public (which Congress does not have the power to do).

The issue is simply whether a majority of the House members are willing to vote to impeach based on existing evidence only to see the conviction fail to get a 2/3 Senate vote. The whole point is to keep controversy in the news until the 2020 election. If Congress really cared they would be holding hearings on how to prevent future Russian interference. They could probably start by passing a law prohibiting U. S. interference in foreign elections.

Those are some very good thoughts. And I agree. Congress needs to have everything the Justice Department has. Such as the full unredacted Mueller Report.