Scut Farkus
Best is an "o."
Ya could look it up.
you don't get it. you're dumb. is an "o."
Ya could look it up.
but most populists are against oligarch wars.
now you've given up. what made you sell out?
Populists are for wars of retaliation, even against people who had nothing to do with the initial action. The Iraq War was a populist war at its beginning.
Given up what?
I am more involved with finance than I would like, but I do not think of myself as a sell out. Maybe I am just fooling myself, but I still think finance is just a way to get money while I move on to the better stuff. Even if I am fooling myself, and do nothing but finance for the next 20 years, finance is really not that bad.
you don't get it. you're dumb.
I am neither dumb nor stupid.
And I am telling spelled moron wrong. Very wrong.
You spelled it POPULIST.
The only letter you got right was the "o".
nah. you're dumb and stupid. there's still a place for you. keep hope alive..
I'm neither dumb nor stupid. wrote the word "populist" where the word "moron" would have been more appropriate. Not really a spelling error. I was just kidding about that part.
I can understand the mistake on your part. In today's world, most of the people who claim to be "populists" actually are morons. They just do not realize it.
Anyone who supported Trump...or supported the people who supported Trump...or who even tolerated Trump...
...definitely are not populists. They are fools, dupes...and yeah, morons.
Hope you are staying safe, Ass.
Thanks for the help in getting this shit off my chest.
no they're not.
you're a liar and a sellout. i'll pray for you, and be entertained by your useless nonsensical verbal squirming to justify it, and /or deflect.
I was there, and remember why you people got us into the Iraq War. It was a nationalist/populist argument. Lots of flag waving, and calling people like me traitors for opposing the war.
As for whether I am a sell out for working for the capitalist system... REALLY???
you're still dumb.
populism is anti fascism. it's anti the state and corporate collusion against regular people.
it was blood for oil. not populist. oligarchic.
It was like trump, pretending to be a populist, while hating the people. trump thinks he has better genes than the rest of us.
what was your take on trust busting?
Hello Controlled Opposition,
Can't be a very large number.
Checked, rechecked, triple checked, certified. 50 separate elections. What's to question?
About a 100 years before my time, but I agree it is a good idea to keep any group from having too much power. That is also why it is important to have inheritance taxes. If the only path to wealth is inheritance, we will stagnate as an economy.
We definitely need to raise taxes on the wealthy. They need to pay their fair share. Or maybe I should say, we need to pay our fair share. Somewhere along the line I entered the bottom ranks of the wealthy, and should be taxed more.