Old age 'no barrier' to sex life


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Old age 'no barrier' to sex life

Seniors with a partner are more sexually active, the study found
Old age is not preventing people from enjoying active sex lives, researchers in the US have discovered.

A survey of 3,005 Americans aged 57 to 85 revealed that people often remain sexually active into their eighties.

Health problems or lack of a partner, rather than lack of desire, were the most common barriers to having sex.

The researchers say their survey overturns stereotypical ideas about sex and ageing, an area that has been little studied.

"There are a lot of people who feel that age is very tightly correlated with sexual activity or interest," Professor Edward Laumann of the University of Chicago, one of the report's authors, told the BBC.

"But it turns out that healthy people are sexually active if they have a partner, and that this is an important part of the quality of life."

I guess there are only two of us on the board who can legitimately comment on this issue. and I definitely agree with the findings. HEH HEH
Old age 'no barrier' to sex life

Seniors with a partner are more sexually active, the study found
Old age is not preventing people from enjoying active sex lives, researchers in the US have discovered.

A survey of 3,005 Americans aged 57 to 85 revealed that people often remain sexually active into their eighties.

Health problems or lack of a partner, rather than lack of desire, were the most common barriers to having sex.

The researchers say their survey overturns stereotypical ideas about sex and ageing, an area that has been little studied.

"There are a lot of people who feel that age is very tightly correlated with sexual activity or interest," Professor Edward Laumann of the University of Chicago, one of the report's authors, told the BBC.

"But it turns out that healthy people are sexually active if they have a partner, and that this is an important part of the quality of life."


I saw this earlier, but I got called into a meeting. I was thinking of posting it just to get Topper grossed out. Though, I don't think he's any spring chicken so I don't know what he gets so upset about. It's funny when he does though.
This would explain why they're always having to get new hips put in.

A powerful image indeed.
Old age 'no barrier' to sex life

Seniors with a partner are more sexually active, the study found
Old age is not preventing people from enjoying active sex lives, researchers in the US have discovered.

A survey of 3,005 Americans aged 57 to 85 revealed that people often remain sexually active into their eighties.

Health problems or lack of a partner, rather than lack of desire, were the most common barriers to having sex.

The researchers say their survey overturns stereotypical ideas about sex and ageing, an area that has been little studied.

"There are a lot of people who feel that age is very tightly correlated with sexual activity or interest," Professor Edward Laumann of the University of Chicago, one of the report's authors, told the BBC.

"But it turns out that healthy people are sexually active if they have a partner, and that this is an important part of the quality of life."


Ah... gross. ;)
Ya learn something new everyday...All these years and we have 'Ball Joints"?
Can ya get a lube to aviod relacement down the road?:shock:
They are called hip balls, and in reality are as close to true ball joints as we can get "Naturally", and no need for a neighborhpod lube job

there is a medication for that (which I use - but mostly for my knees.) It's anti-creaking Joint medicine.
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Classic 'Peter Pan Syndrome'...yeah water ya will live as a kid 'forever' ya I thought that while in HS also..life is a bitch..then ya marry one..need I really say more?

When you were in high school you thought you would be a young kid forever? So you have always been this stupit, is it possible your resemblance to chimpanzees is because you were raised by a pack of them? I have seen shows on the discovery channel about abandoned babies being adopted by families of chimps, who teach them sign language, and maybe that is just enough knowledge to sound out words and type them onto a computer, something tells me I have hit pay dirt again here, and mensaed out the "real deal", which is that the lefty fool Battleborne is half chimp, maybe more?
Thank you dumbass..........

When you were in high school you thought you would be a young kid forever? So you have always been this stupit, is it possible your resemblance to chimpanzees is because you were raised by a pack of them? I have seen shows on the discovery channel about abandoned babies being adopted by families of chimps, who teach them sign language, and maybe that is just enough knowledge to sound out words and type them onto a computer, something tells me I have hit pay dirt again here, and mensaed out the "real deal", which is that the lefty fool Battleborne is half chimp, maybe more?

You just validated my point..ya live way too much in tv land...lotsa sound bites...no realtime experience...go away little boy...come back when ya meet the exxperience quota...as defined in real life!:cof1:
I know donny...........

They are called hip balls, and in reality are ball joints, and no need for a neighborhpod lube job

there is a medication for that (which I use - but mostly for my knees.) It's anti-creaking Joint medicine.

I was just having some fun...anti inflamatories are what you are talking about...not being mean I was looking for humor donny..thats okay your response was cool!