Old age 'no barrier' to sex life

I was just having some fun...anti inflamatories are what you are talking about...not being mean I was looking for humor donny..thats okay your response was cool!
Fine, I hadn't seen a problem. however, what I am referring to is really a lubricant, not anti inflamatories. You know when your joints start clicking? this stops it. I will get you the name, if you wish.
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Classic 'Peter Pan Syndrome'...yeah water ya will live as a kid 'forever' ya I thought that while in HS also..life is a bitch..then ya marry one..need I really say more?
HEH HEH, I can think of a couple of others on this board who will think this subject is "ICKY" (actually three)
I was just having some fun...anti inflamatories are what you are talking about...not being mean I was looking for humor donny..thats okay your response was cool!
Fine, I hadn't seen a problem. however, what I am referring to is really a lubricant, not anti inflamatories. You know when your joints start clicking? this stops it. I will get you the name, if you wish.
Never mind donny.............

Fine, I hadn't seem a problem. however, what I am referring to is really a lubricant, not anti inflamatories. You know when your joints start clicking? this stops it. I will get you the name, if you wish.

I have tried em all...I have conceded that getting old and sore is a part of life...I will spend my money on what little fun I can have...eat correctly...good diet...no false remedies..that just helps the bottom line of the rx companies...since I took the holistic approach all is good!
oBviously to RJS

Doniston, in the context I was using it in I was meaning to BB that I believed he had misread the name at the top of the comment and still believed I was arguing him.

I believe RJS is Darla's personal online servant, so it would make like sense to call it a "little boy".