LOL... All of you who are posting, are on my Ignore list, isn't that ironic.
To think that someone has such little regard for respecting personal privacy, and they actually think posting personal information is somehow accomplishing something positive for themselves, is really extremely sad to me. I really do wish this was the kind of place where I could share personal details of my life with others, and we could all have respect for each others personal information online, but some people apparently aren't mature enough to do that.
I personally don't care about myself, it's my family I am concerned about. I routinely discuss sensitive and controversial issues here, and the internet is full of crazies who lurk around looking for a reason to act out their psychopathic behaviors. If something ever happened to one of my children as a result of some idiot on a message board posting my personal info, I swear to God as my witness, I would hunt them down for the rest of my life, and they would pay with theirs. That's not a threat, it's a promise.
Now, you are free to call me any name in the book, or make up a new name... I can handle it. You are free to say whatever you want to about me, even lie and slander me, and I am okay with that. But when you cross the line into my personal life, you best beware of what you are getting yourself into, because this is not a game anymore, this is real life. It's a road you may not want to go down.