OMG bad dog!!! bad dog!!


The damn dog chewed my ac adapter wire while my laptop was plugged in. It fried the battery and then the laptop stopped starting up shortly after that. All my work from the last few months is trapped on the disk. The computer was working and it want to start up but it shuts off before it even makes to a screen now. It was still working, so i hope i can get some device to extract the files from the disk. Does anyone know how to do it?
Oh yeah, I forgot. I had to buy a fucking computer with vista. i hate it. I want my files back. I seriously wanted to cry. OK, I did cry a little. So many near complete projects stuck on a disk I can't get to. Damn it I should have saved my shit to cd more often.
We had dog with an electricity fetish. He liked cords and anything with batteries.

He even learned to rub his face on a flannel blanket for the static charge.

He did that and nailed me on the ear while I was driving. Now THAT was a shocking surprise.
We had dog with an electricity fetish. He liked cords and anything with batteries.

He even learned to rub his face on a flannel blanket for the static charge.

He did that and nailed me on the ear while I was driving. Now THAT was a shocking surprise.

The damn dog chewed my ac adapter wire while my laptop was plugged in. It fried the battery and then the laptop stopped starting up shortly after that. All my work from the last few months is trapped on the disk. The computer was working and it want to start up but it shuts off before it even makes to a screen now. It was still working, so i hope i can get some device to extract the files from the disk. Does anyone know how to do it?
Yeah, you can either image the drive to another or you can simply install it as a secondary drive to another computer.

They even make usb attachments so you can take the drive and attach it to a new laptop and use it as a backup drive without installing it in another computer.
The system on the hard drive I want is XP. My new one is vista. My older computer is 2000

Which computer should I put it on? Vista is on another laptop. 2000 is on desktop. will it work? Do i need to upgrade the 2000 one to XP?

If I get the hard drive shell, will it work using vista to extract .HTML and .JS files? The rest of the data I don't care about. Nothing too important anyway, but I want the projects I was working on and my image files too. Need my pics.
The system on the hard drive I want is XP. My new one is vista. My older computer is 2000

Which computer should I put it on? Vista is on another laptop. 2000 is on desktop. will it work? Do i need to upgrade the 2000 one to XP?

If I get the hard drive shell, will it work using vista to extract .HTML and .JS files? The rest of the data I don't care about. Nothing too important anyway, but I want the projects I was working on and my image files too. Need my pics.
Either one can read the files from the older system so it shouldn't matter. And yeah, if you get the shell you can even run a search on the drive and extract just the files you want if you wish.
cool I have the drive so I'll throw it into a laptop that has windows ME on it. Will that work?
It's also a compaq notebook, but it's really old. I don't care about speed, but I just need to get to files. I have no idea how to make it work. does it show up when you search?
cool I have the drive so I'll throw it into a laptop that has windows ME on it. Will that work?
It's also a compaq notebook, but it's really old. I don't care about speed, but I just need to get to files. I have no idea how to make it work. does it show up when you search?
If you have space for a secondary drive it would work, it won't work if you take out the drive and add your drive instead.
My AC adapter broke once, and I just bought a new one. They're about 50 dollars. You said your battery was fried? How does that work?

If you're convinced your computer is done, you can buy an adapter and hook the thing up to your desktop and use it as a slave:

If you don't have another computer to do that with, what's the point in recovering your files right now anyway?
The system on the hard drive I want is XP. My new one is vista. My older computer is 2000

Which computer should I put it on? Vista is on another laptop. 2000 is on desktop. will it work? Do i need to upgrade the 2000 one to XP?

If I get the hard drive shell, will it work using vista to extract .HTML and .JS files? The rest of the data I don't care about. Nothing too important anyway, but I want the projects I was working on and my image files too. Need my pics.

It doesn't matter what operating system. The files are there, and any of the newer Windows systems will be able to access them. And how, exactly, do you "extract" an .HTML file?