OMG Bush is going to do a good thing.


Villified User
Bush to sign bill to prevent Internet gambling
Oct 02 9:27 AM US/Eastern

US President George W. Bush this week is expected to sign a bill making it harder to place bets on the Internet, a practice which already is illegal in the United States.

Bush was expected to act quickly after Congress approved the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act making it illegal for financial institutions and credit card companies to process payments to settle Internet bets. It also created stiff penalties for online wagers.

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That's not really a good thing. They could have used that time and energy to do other things that really matter. Like figure out how the hell we are going to get out of Iraq and soon.
Well it is one good thing , no matter how small. With that outfit I will take any good thing I can get.
No definitely not a good thing, $hit like this pisses me off:

"Republicans tucked the measure into a bill aimed at enhancing port security, which passed early Saturday. "

More of big brother worried about what I do with my money. They should be worried about the fvcking pedophiles they have amongst themselves. The more I think about it, I really don't give a rats behind if joe schmo gambles all day and all night. However I tend to care about more trivial things, such as healthcare, the war on terror, port security, and immigration.
they ONLY did this because they were paid off to protect the usa gambling businesses....

the internet gambling done by the usa are with foreign casinos

this was a PAYOFF to their american casino contributors...
I agree Care. I think its painfully obvious. What really pisses me off is when you have congressmen on their high horses talking about how they "saved" us from the evils of internet gambling.
Why is that a good thing, if people want to gamble... this is America, shouldent they be free to do so?
It only makes it so that they are less regulated... Would you rather go to an unregulated internet gambling site or one that had a seal proving they were checked and regulated?
Well I think it is a good thing. And yes it does protect Casinos, but it also protects those too weak minded to control their gambling addiction who do not live around casinos. A somone noted the online casinos seem to be offshore, so those who still have to gamble will be spending less money abroad and more here.
Perhaps not a great big good thing, but I will settle for what I consider any good thing from Bush.
It only makes it so that they are less regulated... Would you rather go to an unregulated internet gambling site or one that had a seal proving they were checked and regulated?

I don't gamble, I work too hard for what money I get and don't feel good "flushing it down the toilet".
well I buy a lotto ticket a couple of times a month, but that is it. About the same odds of winning there as with SS paying me back my money.

And how do we know that seal is any good ?
It only makes it so that they are less regulated... Would you rather go to an unregulated internet gambling site or one that had a seal proving they were checked and regulated?

huh? please explain....

from what i saw on c-span, the congress leadership, slipped this in to the port security bill, and it prohibits usa credit card banks from issuing credit for internet gambling.... the largest usa used internet poker is or something like that, a british company, who will be WIPED OUT of this gambling business in the usa.... from what i heard on c-span?

good morning!

It would have oversite attached. The assumption is that somebody would use it illegally. They'd simply be fined out of existence...
huh? please explain....

from what i saw on c-span, the congress leadership, slipped this in to the port security bill, and it prohibits usa credit card banks from issuing credit for internet gambling.... the largest usa used internet poker is or something like that, a british company, who will be WIPED OUT of this gambling business in the usa.... from what i heard on c-span?

good morning!

They'll hook up using other forms of payment and be unregulated. The assumption is that paytrust or other payment systems couldn't be used for this? There is also more direct payment methods that wouldn't involve such things...

There are ways around that, and the truly addicted will find them and use them. They therefore will totally unregulated in their use.
"US President George W. Bush this week is expected to sign a bill making it harder to place bets on the Internet, a practice which already is illegal in the United States. "

This says nothing about regulating the industry. This is regulating people.

"The bill's chief Senate sponsor was conservative Republican Jon Kyl, who, like Leach, has said he believed Internet gambling was a moral threat."

again, more regulating people's actions.....

"The legislation would clarify and update current law to spell out that most gambling is illegal online. But there would be exceptions — for state-run lotteries and horse racing — and passage isn't a safe bet in the Senate, where Republican leaders have not considered the measure a high priority.

The House voted 317-93 for the bill, which would allow authorities to work with Internet providers to block access to gambling Web sites.",2933,202983,00.html
I think this is truly an infringement on people's rights. If they want to gamble on the internet so be it.
Yep more regulating peoples actions, like underage drinking and smoking, driving drunk, using illegal drugs, seat belts, bicycle and motorcycle helmets, crash safety requirements on autos, food safety laws in restaurants and food packaging plants, loan sharking, prostitution (all but NV), Sex with children (even consentual) , etc....
Republicans are well known for this as well as many demoncrats.
Gambling isn't illegal. We've decided as a society gambling isn't wrong. People gamble at 7-11, in the stock market, and at casinos. Why can't they do it in the privacy of their own homes. If you want to add fines to businesses & parents who allow minors to gamble, that's one thing, I think its immoral to tell an adult what he can or can't do with their money if they aren't hurting anyone.
Gambling isn't illegal. We've decided as a society gambling isn't wrong. People gamble at 7-11, in the stock market, and at casinos. Why can't they do it in the privacy of their own homes. If you want to add fines to businesses & parents who allow minors to gamble, that's one thing, I think its immoral to tell an adult what he can or can't do with their money if they aren't hurting anyone.
We agree.
Gambling isn't illegal. We've decided as a society gambling isn't wrong. People gamble at 7-11, in the stock market, and at casinos. Why can't they do it in the privacy of their own homes. If you want to add fines to businesses & parents who allow minors to gamble, that's one thing, I think its immoral to tell an adult what he can or can't do with their money if they aren't hurting anyone.

and how do you verify that only adults are gambling online ? Read about the 4 yr old that had the winning bid on ebay last week ?
In principle I agree ladyT, but Gambling IS heavially regulated already. And in most places gambling for money in ones own home is already illegal.