OMG Bush is going to do a good thing.

Thanks Care! Of course he pulled it out his ass. He's obviously still embarassed about it, which is why he brought it up today in this completely unrelated thread.

Now.....Ladies, what should I do with my new Klaatu that I own?

hahahaha! now hmmmmmmmmmm? This is getting interesting for an old geezer that is closer to 50 than to 40....what should the ownage entail?

When the ownage is that bad, I find that men tend to attack women's femininity, class being a part of that. When I hear things like that I consider it a job well done.

The classeless thing is nearly always leveled at women. I guess men have lower standards for themselves. (very conveniently)

They appear to believe that if they don't piss their pants while they're actually posting, that's a classy post.
Thanks Care! Of course he pulled it out his ass. He's obviously still embarassed about it, which is why he brought it up today in this completely unrelated thread.

Now.....Ladies, what should I do with my new Klaatu that I own?

Well, you can try listing him on Ebay, but frankly, I don't see you getting much for him.
Bare in mind, I don't mind lending him out for anything really: he makes a great foot stool. OH, do you still need help moving? That can easily be arranged.

Hmmmm, tomorrow I was going to go to "Draft Oprah Winfrey 2008", I'll have him go in my place instead.

Darla, do the Pink Ladies need a gopher of sorts?
Bare in mind, I don't mind lending him out for anything really: he makes a great foot stool. OH, do you still need help moving? That can easily be arranged.

Hmmmm, tomorrow I was going to go to "Draft Oprah Winfrey 2008", I'll have him go in my place instead.

Darla, do the Pink Ladies need a gopher of sorts?

Now that you mention it, it would be fabulous to have someone fetch us cappacinos when our meetings run late. Also, he can do the tops of our banners. You do get some vertigo all the way up on the top of those overpasses.

I really appreciate your donation Tiana!
Now that you mention it, it would be fabulous to have someone fetch us cappacinos when our meetings run late. Also, he can do the tops of our banners. You do get some vertigo all the way up on the top of those overpasses.

I really appreciate your donation Tiana!

No problem - I'm just naturally giving. I write him off anyway, so its not such a big deal. :D
"US President George W. Bush this week is expected to sign a bill making it harder to place bets on the Internet, a practice which already is illegal in the United States. "

This says nothing about regulating the industry. This is regulating people.

"The bill's chief Senate sponsor was conservative Republican Jon Kyl, who, like Leach, has said he believed Internet gambling was a moral threat."

again, more regulating people's actions.....

"The legislation would clarify and update current law to spell out that most gambling is illegal online. But there would be exceptions — for state-run lotteries and horse racing — and passage isn't a safe bet in the Senate, where Republican leaders have not considered the measure a high priority.

The House voted 317-93 for the bill, which would allow authorities to work with Internet providers to block access to gambling Web sites.",2933,202983,00.html

Take note that the majority of BOTH parties voted for this. Perhaps Repubs are interested in passing legislation to curb online gambling to aid big casinos, but it's important to note that traditionally casinos donated more to Dems to counter the religious right movement against gambling.
Meanwhile you can be damn sure that Dems are looking to protect state lottery funds that go into big gov.
Take note that the majority of BOTH parties voted for this. Perhaps Repubs are interested in passing legislation to curb online gambling to aid big casinos, but it's important to note that traditionally casinos donated more to Dems to counter the religious right movement against gambling.
Meanwhile you can be damn sure that Dems are looking to protect state lottery funds that go into big gov.


Stop it! you can NOT SAY THIS WHAT SO EVER!

I watched this debate and vote on the floor of the house and YOU, are passing around a LIE Dano...YES A LIE.

Every Democrat speaking on this Bill voiced out how disappointed they were that THIS LEADERSHIP SNUCK this Casino Gambling provision INSIDE OF A PORT SECURITY BILL for Christmas sake Dano...

Stop it
stop it
stop it

The twisting of the truth HAS GOT TO STOP Dano....

That Casino Gambling Bill SLIPPED IN THIS HOMELAND SECURITY Bill was done by was not suppose to be part of this Homeland Security for our Ports Bill and the Vote count you listed above was for the provision in the bill regarding our port Security.

If these people agreed to the Bill on Port Security they voted YES.

If they disagreed with the port security bill they voted NO.

The consideration for this Casino Measure was not considered.

This is why the REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP slipped this Casino Gambling Measure in to this Port Security Bill right before an election...

They KNEW that this port security bill WOULD PASS...don't ya think? And this is why they slipped this Casino Gambling on the Internet measure in to the middle of this Port Security Bill.

You must know, if you watch the House of Representatives at all that this is HOW the Republicans do their dirty business and give their contributors WHAT THEY WANT while covering THEIR OWN ASSES by saying, "the Dems voted for this too, it was not just meeeeeee" CRAP.

now please Dano, stop this crap of yours...are you in cohoots with these people passing crap like this along of ''THE DEMS VOTED FOR IT TOO" first grader crap...this is why these repubs can continue to get away with slipping measures in to Bills WHERE THEY DON'T BELONG....because of people like you.

Continue your life of being a proud young man... that's a PAWN for Deceitfulness, or stop being that PAWN...your choice.

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Wouldn't it be nice if a bill had to deal with one subject only and coult not have other subjects combined in it ?
Each item for consideration should have to stand or fall on it's own merits.
Wouldn't it be nice if a bill had to deal with one subject only and coult not have other subjects combined in it ?
Each item for consideration should have to stand or fall on it's own merits.

I absolutely hate these last minute provisions. We need to work to curb them.
And Dano....hasn't it been TWO DECADES since the Republicans have been in the favor of Casino Lobbying, donations....?

When will republicans EVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their own actions without having to do the first grader thing, of "mommy, they did it too" crap?

Please for the sake of yourself, grow up....please.

And Dano....hasn't it been TWO DECADES since the Republicans have been in the favor of Casino Lobbying, donations....?

When will republicans EVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their own actions without having to do the first grader thing, of "mommy, they did it too" crap?

Please for the sake of yourself, grow up....please.

Sorry Care,
"According to the Center for Responsive Politics, tribes with casinos gave $144,721 to federal campaigns — 81 percent to Democrats, 19 percent to Republicans — in 1992. Ten years later, Indian gaming contributions topped $6.7 million. Even with new federal restrictions on campaign fund raising, Indian casinos this year have given more than $4.8 million to federal candidates and parties — 65 percent to Democrats, 35 percent to Republicans. "

Casinos still give more to Dems, ergo if they were really expecting to get political payback by banning online casinos, they just wasted a ton of money, so obviously they did NOT expect this.
Is it really so hard to believe that the religious right or even people concerned with gambling were behind this ban? Don't be stupid and automatically tie money to legislation, it's not always the case.

I don't agree with it and I have no problem with online gambling, but to claim that big casino businesses are behind this is bull.

Lastly, having this bill tied to port security gives Dems an easy way to condemn the ban while voting to support it by supporting port security, they get the best of both worlds. HAD the vote been seperate, I suspect most of the Dems would have still voted for the ban - there is just too much left-wing interest in garnering bash from things like state lotteries...
"According to the Center for Responsive Politics, tribes with casinos gave $144,721 to federal campaigns — 81 percent to Democrats, 19 percent to Republicans — in 1992. Ten years later, Indian gaming contributions topped $6.7 million. Even with new federal restrictions on campaign fund raising, Indian casinos this year have given more than $4.8 million to federal candidates and parties — 65 percent to Democrats, 35 percent to Republicans. "
What about the hole in the middle of that date range Damo ? With abramhoff out of the picture , sure current will be skewed. But what about between 92 and current ?
"According to the Center for Responsive Politics, tribes with casinos gave $144,721 to federal campaigns — 81 percent to Democrats, 19 percent to Republicans — in 1992. Ten years later, Indian gaming contributions topped $6.7 million. Even with new federal restrictions on campaign fund raising, Indian casinos this year have given more than $4.8 million to federal candidates and parties — 65 percent to Democrats, 35 percent to Republicans. "
What about the hole in the middle of that date range Damo ? With abramhoff out of the picture , sure current will be skewed. But what about between 92 and current ?
I think you got the wrong name there...