Can you say "Filibuster proof majority"? Wahahahahahahahaha
Number 60, say it loud, say it proud!
Can you say "Filibuster proof majority"? Wahahahahahahahaha
The bright side of this is when they screw-up (and they will) they will get all the blame.![]()
Yes I Can!!!!
Technically speaking though, with Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, didn't you already have a filibuster proof majority?
Can you say "Complete and total responsibility?" ...Doesn't matter if you can, we will be reminding every voter of that fact. We will also be reminding them, Republicans can't stop Democrats from a damn thing, they have full unfettered reign of power, and whatever befalls our nation is totally and completely their responsibility, and theirs alone.
You better hurry then and upgrade to that industrial size blame-thrower you've had your eye on for a while now.
After all, you're gonna be a busy little blame thrower from now on, aren't you?
Maybe you haven't heard, but Harry Reid has now decided that it takes 61 votes to defeat a filibuster.
You like when our Congress screws up? I don't, I would rather they all behave, do their job, you know represent their populace.
It amazes me that Rush and you want our government to fail, do you realize the consequences when they do? We the people suffer, Congress doesn't, the average Joe's are the ones who pay for the screw-ups.
Why is blame so important to the right? Always the need to blame, I would rather congratulate than blame!
You just keep stoking the fires of hatred and resentment, it worked so well back in the 90's and last year.
:lmao: ....says the one who crucified bush and the religious right constantly through the past decade. Says the one who's party is consistently dividing us into TWO AMERICAS... pitting the poor against the rich.... blacks against whites... gays against straights... them against ours! This is precisely the technique Democrats have perfected to win elections the past few cycles. Fuel bitter hatred and fan the flames as much as you can, and drum up as much idiot support as you can for your "cause" and then ram it down our throats with glee and the arrogant attitude that we deserve this!
You got some nerve claiming it is ME who is stoking the fires... you poured as much gasoline, and blew as much hot air as you could muster at the fire! Now you want to whine like the liberal crybaby you are... well that's fine, but you simply can't whine your way out of taking responsibility for what you are solely in charge of now.
And how well did that tactic work for the Democrats in the runup to the 2000 and 2004 elections??
They spread hate and resentment, just like the Republicans did when Clinton was running for office, and it got them a Republican in the WH and controlling both houses of Congress.
It wasn't Democrats and their " bitter hatred" that cost REpublicans the elections in 06 and 08, it was a REPUBLICAN WH and CONGRESS OUT OF CONTROL
Now you just ignore everything that I've written and call me some more names.
"The hate and divisiveness came into play during the Lewinsky scandal, not when Clinton was running for president! And it was perpetrated by the left-wingers who didn't like Republicans holding the president's feet to the fire! "
Man, of all the loopy things you've written, this is the loopiest.
This is so far from earth that it's silly....
"The hate and divisiveness came into play during the Lewinsky scandal, not when Clinton was running for president! And it was perpetrated by the left-wingers who didn't like Republicans holding the president's feet to the fire! "
Man, of all the loopy things you've written, this is the loopiest.
This is so far from earth that it's silly....
exactly... to suggest that whitewater and vince foster and travelgate and filegate and on and on and on and on didn't happen is ludicrous.
Yes, it's silly to suggest that Vince Foster just committed suicide in the park, that travel office employees weren't canned for no reason, or that Hillary Clinton had no knowledge of boxes full of files in a closet at the White House. It is nice you finally admit it was ludicrous to suggest these things!
it's ludicrous to suggest that your ilk was not out to get Clinton long before Lewinsky.
The Lewinsky ordeal was bought and paid for by people supporting the Republican Party.
Clinton was Republican lite, I never understood why they disliked the guy.