You really do have a huge problem in deciphering exactly what I had said. First off, I am a people loving Christian, and I don't hate anyone, as my only hatred comes in the form of hating liberalism and communism, you know, the two ongoing ideologies of the dummycrat party. Second, I said
'MOST' of the J6ers (not all) were imprisoned for merely attending that rally or sadly imprisoned for 2 to 4 years simply for breaking and entering.
Why don't you put up a video of the Capitol Police politely holding the doors wide open for many of the J6ers to roam around the building like
it was a museum tour? May GOD have mercy on you for being so foolish and so bent out of shape concerning the J6 event, while not having one
word to say about the violence and murdering done during the so-called summer of love by leftists.