On the impossibility of abiogenesis

It doesn't matter how life started. Life exists. Origins do have zero impact on my day to day life. It is what it is. And again, your made the assumption that I have a "theory about evolution " and have engaged in "secular "deflection"'. I am a Relativist. If you want to believe that the moon is made out of leftover green cheese, go for it.

Once again.....you have retorted on a subject that "has zero impact on my day to day life." For something that has no impact...........;)
Christian "beliefs" about the true nature of the REALITY of existence......

...namely, that a GOD exists and the GOD "created" everything else that exists...


So...you assert that you can put forth a blind guess about the true nature of REALITY...and other have to prove it wrong???

The logicians term for that is: Extreme bullshit.

Correct! Refer to my response immediately above.

That is not the way debate works.

If YOU are asserting a blind guess that a GOD exists...and that the GOD "created" everything else...the obligation to prove that belongs on you.

If YOU are asserting that Pasteur (or anyone else) "proves" the impossibility of abiogenesis...the obligation to prove that belongs on you. (Good luck with that!)

Hardly is Creation a Blind Guess. Science through the laws of physics indicates that a SUPERIOR to NATURE...i.e., a "supernatural" source existed Before the effect known as the UNIVERSE came into existence. Something (call that supernatural force God.....or anything else you wish to call it) CAUSED the EFFECT known as the physical universe, neither nature nor science can explain the origins of the mass/matter that must pre-exist before any physical transformation could possibly occur. A blind "guess" would be the suggestion that everything came from nothing such as the BS theory propagated by the late Mr. Hawking because he refused to address the facts in evidence. Every "effect" requires an equal or superior "CAUSE". ;)
Hardly is Creation a Blind Guess. Science through the laws of physics indicates that a SUPERIOR to NATURE...i.e., a "supernatural" source existed Before the effect known as the UNIVERSE came into existence. Something (call that supernatural force God.....or anything else you wish to call it) CAUSED the EFFECT known as the physical universe, neither nature nor science can explain the origins of the mass/matter that must pre-exist before any physical transformation could possibly occur. A blind "guess" would be the suggestion that everything came from nothing such as the BS theory propagated by the late Mr. Hawking because he refused to address the facts in evidence. Every "effect" requires an equal or superior "CAUSE". ;)

Science does NO SUCH THING.

And neither do scientists.

But that doesn't stop people like you from pretending that it does.

If you are saying "There is a GOD"...all you are doing is expressing a blind guess about the REALITY of existence.

Hey, it is not worthless. It IS good for a laugh...especially if you couple your ignorance with a shot at the intelligence of Stephen Hawking...or what amounts to a comparison of your intellect with his

Science does NO SUCH THING.

And neither do scientists.

But that doesn't stop people like you from pretending that it does.

If you are saying "There is a GOD"...all you are doing is expressing a blind guess about the REALITY of existence.

Hey, it is not worthless. It IS good for a laugh...especially if you couple your ignorance with a shot at the intelligence of Stephen Hawking...or what amounts to a comparison of your intellect with his


Of course there is no such concept as the logical "Law of Causality" or the scientific "Laws of Thermodynamics"......its all just a conspiracy and Hawking never endorsed a theory about the Universe creating itself from "nothing"? Really? the Law of Cause and Effect...i.e., the law of Causality has never been subject to falsification in the observable universe.....while you have some "nerds" suggesting that causality "might" not exist in a black hole etc., but just like everything else.....these "nerds" have no scientific method to their speculation, conjecture or philosophy that suggests Causality MIGHT NOT work in some imagined alternate reality.

But the logical law has never been broken, not once in the history of mankind. The same for the laws of thermodynamics which prove beyond doubt that the Universe is dying....and must have had a beginning.

Strange that all you can do is act like some 8th grader and present nothing but ad hominem personal insults yet claim that you are the one supporting REAL SCIENCE. :laugh:
Of course there is no such concept as the logical "Law of Causality" or the scientific "Laws of Thermodynamics"......its all just a conspiracy and Hawking never endorsed a theory about the Universe creating itself from "nothing"? Really? the Law of Cause and Effect...i.e., the law of Causality has never been subject to falsification in the observable universe.....while you have some "nerds" suggesting that causality "might" not exist in a black hole etc., but just like everything else.....these "nerds" have no scientific method to their speculation, conjecture or philosophy that suggests Causality MIGHT NOT work in some imagined alternate reality.

But the logical law has never been broken, not once in the history of mankind. The same for the laws of thermodynamics which prove beyond doubt that the Universe is dying....and must have had a beginning.

Strange that all you can do is act like some 8th grader and present nothing but ad hominem personal insults yet claim that you are the one supporting REAL SCIENCE. :laugh:

I have not said I am the one supporting REAL SCIENCE. You made that up.

Hey...no problem. Lots of people like you do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge you are simply making a blind guess that there is a god.

And...your use of lines like "...has never been broken..." and "...prove beyond doubt..." are fine comedy lines. You provide a laugh...and no one should sell something like that short.
there is a room......in the center of the room was a table.......on the table was a deck of cards and one hand of poker dealt out......it is a royal straight flush.....there is also a note......on it are the words "I dealt these cards"......

the abiogeneticist walks into the room and says, the most rational explanation is that after building a room and table and inventing the rules of poker these cards dealt themselves......

The problem with that scenario is that, in order to compare to abiogenetics, there are billions of table with hundreds of hands dealt on each table. And the note was written by someone who found the table before the abiogeneticist.
The problem with that scenario is that, in order to compare to abiogenetics, there are billions of table with hundreds of hands dealt on each table. And the note was written by someone who found the table before the abiogeneticist.

nope one room (the universe) one hand of cards (life)......and the abiogeneticist just believes the note was written by someone who found the table......

its interesting that only one note has ever been presented claiming there was an Intelligent Card Dealer.......
nope one room (the universe) one hand of cards (life)......and the abiogeneticist just believes the note was written by someone who found the table......

its interesting that only one note has ever been presented claiming there was an Intelligent Card Dealer.......

That would imply that life began in one try. If there is an ICD, that might be possible. But there is no scientific evidence of that at all.

And the claim that the deck was only dealt once is made by the people who claim the dealer wrote the note through someone.
That would imply that life began in one try. If there is an ICD, that might be possible. But there is no scientific evidence of that at all.

And the claim that the deck was only dealt once is made by the people who claim the dealer wrote the note through someone.

if any other life began, it died.......thus there are no other cards on the table......not even any card hand fossils.....