On the way to the Jewish Republic of Israel

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bahshi

On the way to the Jewish Republic of Israel

Burned with them locked in the audience cinemas showing American movies, battered women, the kind that do not fit the norms of Islam, being destroyed everything that reminded the western way of life, in countries which have, in the spirit of the time on the road to progress, dropped a black veil of medieval obscurantism . So, with rampant special group of thugs, a kind of morality police, called the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, aimed at combating the legacy of reform activity shakhinshakh Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, began the Islamic revolution in Iran. Pahlavi himself was forced to leave the country, whose people are not ready to chalk out the Shah of progressive change. Too great a difference in the worldview of the Shah, to get higher education in Switzerland, and the majority of its people, and this benefited the spiritual leaders of Iran.

Sad fate of the Shah, but the sad fate of his country, now the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), which became a pariah of the international community, the totalitarian regime which extends to the nuclear baton as it is characteristic of all totalitarian regimes. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the stick in the hands of religious fanatics who are capable of being covered by Allah madness. And it is not strange, but especially ominous danger hovering over the Arab co-religionists and the Turkic countries. An example of this tangle of political problems associated to Azerbaijan, where the problem of the Caspian Sea, and the Karabakh problem and the potential problem of South Azerbaijan, and all the list of problems on the side of Iran, Russia and Armenia, is an outpost of the Evil Empire in the Caucasus (1.2). Putin's Russia around the world gathered mob, found each other, angry at the Western democracy and violent politicians in the face of Tehran fanatics, murderous Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, the Armenian leaders, followers of the ideology of the extreme nationalist party "ARF", Belarusian President Lukashenko and Hugo political monster Chavez. It should be noted that Iran has in fact become a new strategic ally of Russia, which lost all of its former satellite dish.

However, Iran cannot be the only case of the historical recurrence in the Middle East, there is one state in which the power could come to the religious fanatics, and so is the state of Israel. There is nothing unexpected or unnatural, the fact that

- First of all, Israel is not a true democracy, just as democracy in Russia is represented by a special kind of Russian democracy, namely sovereign democracy, that is democracy for the sovereign, Israel is also a special, one might say the only kind of democracy, that is democracy filled with religious, because religion in Israel is not separated from the state and the laws of Halacha are part of state law, which is very reminiscent of the political system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Jewish representatives from various religious parties always represented in parliament and government. Because of the vicious system of power, politics and religion have the opportunity to blackmail the government if it does not correspond to solutions religious laws or plans of spiritual leaders and are usually very successful.

- Secondly, because of the high birth rate in religious families, the growth of the religious population much faster than the secular, in the future can not affect the social structure of the country.

- Thirdly, indulgence of Israeli society to ever-increasing religious fanatic misbehavior, so to speak morality police, safe guard the Jewish revolution, break the law and public order, and taking into account that they are guided by rabbis who gave themselves the right to speak on behalf of the God that obedient flock is law.

All this may eventually lead to a situation in which Iran turned to the Islamic revolution.

Not hard to guess how dangerous for the region, and for the world in general appearance nuclear weapon Jewish Republic of Israel (JRI), is a country like the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). Jewish fanatics, with an extensive network of World Wide Religious Organizations (Chabad), coupled with the all-powerful Jewish Congress, which reports to the leaders of the Jewish state, including the U.S. president, have, I would say, a colossal political weight. Confirmation of this, the celebration of the Jewish religious holiday of Hanukkah in the Holy of Holies, in the heart of the Russian symbol of power - the Kremlin, and this despite the fact that neither Christian nor Muslim holidays in the Kremlin were not recorded, although Christians and Muslims in Russia much more than the Jews .

Predictable situation is aggravated by the fact that the ideology of Judaism brings extreme hatred of all mankind:

"The only reason for the existence of the goyim, a ministry to the Jews" (Chief Rabbi of Israel, the spiritual leader of a religious party "Shas” Ovadia Yosef)

"The difference between a Jew and a goy is so great that it is not in any way be compared to the difference between man and animals” (http://www.hofesh.org.il/haredim_papers/01/1201.html). (A member of the Israeli parliament Yossi Paritski)

This is perhaps worse fascism, by the way in Islam even close and not anything like this.

Endowing Jews exclusively to Gentiles and a special "Jewish view of the world" (3), Judaism, in the case of the transformation of Israel into a totalitarian religious state, in the end, because of the man-nature, will inevitably lead to his fatal isolation.

You can find all this fantastic nonsense, but unfortunately there is an example where fiction has become a terrible reality is, the attempt to implement the Marxist ideology of Communism in Russia, killing millions of people and nearly led humanity to a nuclear disaster.

1. "Armenia and Moscow axis - Tehran», http://zhurnal.lib.ru/b/bahshi_a/salt3.shtml
2. "Around the Caspian Sea», http://www.proza.ru/2008/03/22/598
3. "Israeli Democracy or" Jewish view of the world », http://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/ # post-alikbahshi-10015
Religious fanatics have caused offensive graffiti in Hebrew on the memorial cross in Uman (Ukraine) in anticipation of the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, which in Uman attracts thousands of Jewish orthodoxy. http://lenta.ru/news/2013/08/20/krest/. Hatred of other religions they are so strong, and so they are confident in the strength of gold, even in another state, they behave very rudely.
Zionist fanatics are as big a problem as Muslim fanatics, you really need to take off your blinders to this problem.

I'm well aware of that. Trust me, I abhor Jewish neocons. He isn't speaking of them, he's speaking of Israeli's in general, isn't he?
Jews, Christians and Muslims lives for centuries in peace in Palestine. Only when a foreign enemy comes and try to divide people to rule, problems occurs. You know "Divide and Rule". The crusaders came before and they killed both Christians and Muslims, they even claimed Palestine as Kingdom of Heaven their and they will never leave and at the end they were kicked out, the Turks were kicked as well. What makes Israel an exception, they can claim whatever they want, at the end, they will be kicked out as the previous ones :)
Considering there were quite a few Jews there from the time Palestine was created until Israel was created it isn't likely they're going to be kicked out any time soon.
Considering there were quite a few Jews there from the time Palestine was created until Israel was created it isn't likely they're going to be kicked out any time soon.

Considering once a serious war occurs and they start getting back to where they came from for safety, your right, no one will kick them, they will leave by themselves.
Considering once a serious war occurs and they start getting back to where they came from for safety, your right, no one will kick them, they will leave by themselves.

Interesting response, sounds like Hamas or Hezbollah.
Considering once a serious war occurs and they start getting back to where they came from for safety, your right, no one will kick them, they will leave by themselves.

In the past, wars of defense end up with Israel having more land, only peace talks seem to diminish Israel (at least land-wise)... while pride may make somebody say they're going to "kick" them somewhere, every time somebody pulls their leg back they find they can't move it forward. Israel already moved in.

At some point somebody may realize that attacking them doesn't seem to net the result that they want. Peace talks do.

Your best bet to diminish Israel is to get the US talking to them while some Democrat is in the WH. They always wind up giving up land and letting people out of prison for a momentary peace.
Interesting response, sounds like Hamas or Hezbollah.

Nah, I don't like them. I do not like people who use religion or ethnicity to justify their actions specially when there are wrong, no matter where they are from, whether they are from the Israeli side or Palestinian side or other side, etc. Good and bad people are everywhere, in every nation, religion including Israel.
Nah, I don't like them. I do not like people who use religion or ethnicity to justify their actions specially when there are wrong, no matter where they are from, whether they are from the Israeli side or Palestinian side or other side, etc. Good and bad people are everywhere, in every nation, religion including Israel.

Okay. So what is it you like?
In the past, wars of defense end up with Israel having more land, only peace talks seem to diminish Israel (at least land-wise)... while pride may make somebody say they're going to "kick" them somewhere, every time somebody pulls their leg back they find they can't move it forward. Israel already moved in.

At some point somebody may realize that attacking them doesn't seem to net the result that they want. Peace talks do.

Your best bet to diminish Israel is to get the US talking to them while some Democrat is in the WH. They always wind up giving up land and letting people out of prison for a momentary peace.

You are wrong if you think that I desire or wish anybody to be attacked, even Israel or anyone else. Still I disagree with you with the peace talk that is happening and was happening unless it is a serious peace talk from both sides, which will not happen, because there are higher powers controlling the game up until now.