Once again, Liberal hypocricy shines through.

there is as much proof that the tooth fairy exists as proof that god exists.

It is perfectly rational Not to believe in this myth

it is NOT rational to say God does not exist......as in believing he does, it is belief in the absence of evidence......
so let he who is not a fucked up liberal president be the one to cast the first stone at Obama?.......

Yeah...that's precisely how that Bible passage goes...

At least it is to two-faced "Christians" who talk a good game but somehow just can't seem to live their daily lives according to the Bible's guidelines.
the only defenders the right has anymore are complete nutters.

So many on the right here don't even post anymore
Read the article. The attacks are unwarranted.

I didn't see any attacks. Other than what the idiots at Breitbart, and you, said.


he is an accomplished and outstanding actor with a wall full of awards

That's a bit of a stretch, there, Boorish. A few Nickeloden awards makes him an "accomplished and outstanding actor with a wall full of awards"?

No, the homosexual ACT is what is unnatural..

By the same token, there is no proof that the Earth is a gazillion years old either.

Sorry, Boorish, hatred is unnatural. Bigotry is unnatural. Homophobia is unnatural. Racism is unnatural.

boris is a Christian?


sorry to here it christains

Nothing wrong with expressing disgust for this current "president"

Your middle finger salute to the president effectively says YOU WANT TO FUCK A BLACK MAN UP THE ASS.

Start licking on your computer screen, Boorish.
