Once, I changed to a STEM degree because I wanted to be useful to society

Agree but what if you have none? I remember the summer before I started college sitting in my living room with the univ. catalogue wondering what the heck I'd major in.

I knew that when I started my first Bio class and saw that hot chicks outnumbered the guys by two to one I had chosen the right major.
I guess it all depends on what you DID with that STEM degree. Programmers, like myself, have a lot of options at our finger tips. I'm still working, and still pumping out code to streamline processes for the production of systems for the US Navy, NASA, Medical Isotopes and Nuclear Power Plants. I left my job at the Potato chip factory 8 years ago, and have been here ever since.

I studied a STEM field too but I went into that field because it’s what I really wanted to learn. I didn’t give a lot of thought about how I was going to make a living with it. As an undergraduate I wanted to learn how to learn and I had a passion for my major. I figured if I got the learning part down I’d that after undergraduate school I’d learn how to make a living. Which I did in grad school.
I knew that when I started my first Bio class and saw that hot chicks outnumbered the guys by two to one I had chosen the right major.
You went to a commuter school if I remember correctly. Amazing how we (guys) made life decisions based on getting pussy. When I went to LSU in the '70's it seemed liked the guys outnumbered the chicks 2 to 1. I was still dating my h.s. sweetheart freshman yr. so I was getting laid fairly regularly but she soon learned that it didn't take much on her part to have any guy she wanted. Painful experience to go thru at that age being cut off that young.
It turned out OK though. I sowed my oats later.
Damn shame we didn't have the insight of experience, knowledge and insight back then. "Youth is wasted on the young."
You went to a commuter school if I remember correctly. Amazing how we (guys) made life decisions based on getting pussy. When I went to LSU in the '70's it seemed liked the guys outnumbered the chicks 2 to 1. I was still dating my h.s. sweetheart freshman yr. so I was getting laid fairly regularly but she soon learned that it didn't take much on her part to have any guy she wanted. Painful experience to go thru at that age being cut off that young.
It turned out OK though. I sowed my oats later.
Damn shame we didn't have the insight of experience, knowledge and insight back then. "Youth is wasted on the young."

That was a joke. I went to Wright State, which is part of the Ohio State University System, which means it has the same level of accreditation as a Big 10 school but smaller, though not exactly small.

I was also being tongue and cheek about my major though the girls, at first outnumbered boys by 2 to 1. Two years later it was the other way around as most of the women had dropped the major.

I actually knew long before I went college that I wanted to study biology in college and would probably enter an allied health field.

Yes I do wish I had the insight about women I had now but it probably would have done me little good as I was dirt poor. Though during my Freshman year I discovered education and nursing majors and found out, to my delight, about their above average libidos.
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Then you woke up and stared dissecting frogs with fat chicks.

Dude....that was in high school Freshman biology. Dissected your species, fetal pigs, in AP biology. Took comparative anatomy as a sophomore and that’s when we lost most of the ladies as it was a requirement. Dissected birds, cats and rabbits in that class. Had to wait till grad school to dissect a human cadaver.
That was a joke. I was also being tongue and cheek about my major though the girls, at first outnumbered boys by 2 to 1.
I know.
I went to Wright State, which is part of the Ohio State University System, which means it has the same level of accreditation as a Big 10 school but smaller, though not exactly small.
I took some classes at University of New Orleans which is part of the LSU system , I understand. Although admittedly I purposely took Comparative Anatomy at UNO in summer school to avoid it at LSUBR.
Yes I do wish I had the insight about women I had now but it probably would have done me little good as I was dirt poor. Though during my Freshman year I discovered education and nursing majors and found out, to my delight, about their above average libidos.
LOL, the education majors at LSU seemed to be in sororities and dated the guys from well to do families in the frats that attracted those types. Like you I was dirt poor so I never found out if education majors were promiscuous or not. I get what you say about nurses though. I worked part time drawing blood at a hospital my soph. yr. of dental school. ;)
Mott, now that another April Fool's Day has come and gone, can you confirm that you've still happily married? I always get nervous for you this time of year.


Thanks for asking. I didn’t need to punk her this year. Her co-workers did it for me.

She got a call from a guy who started hassling her about scratching his car in the parking lot and just leaving a note on his windshield and he was all bent out of shape, giving her a hard time for scratching his Mercedes and cursing and carrying on and she kept saying “but sir...I didn’t scratch any car!”. Well he kept carrying on that she had and was arguing with him and was frustrated to the point of tears when she noticed her coworkers were trying not to laugh and she knew she had been linked. LOL