I believe in a Creator.
Yeah...you blindly guess there is a "Creator"...and you like to call that blind guess a "belief."
We agree on that.
There is plenty of evidence for one.
There may be evidence for one...but there may be none. If a "creator" exists...everything is evidence of it. If a "creator" does not exists...nothing is evidence of it.
We do not know if one exists or not.
I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
You could be wrong...you could be correct. And you are stubborn so you are going to doubt that you can be wrong.
There had to be an uncaused cause for everything.
You screwed up again...and this time I am going to insist on your sticking with this.
If there is a "creator"...what is its uncaused cause?
Without one, you have an infinite regression of causes. Which is scientifically impossible. Don't even try to tell me it isn't.
You are a lost case. You pretend to be scientific and logical...and you are neither. You assert stuff that cannot be established.
But I am going to be right here dealing with your nonsense.