The law of cause and effect is the first law of science.
Bullshit. It is the first law of theology...and a minor law of philosophy.
Here is what Bertrand Russell had to say about the "law of cause and effect."
All philosophers, of every school, imagine that causation is one of the fundamental axioms or postulates of science, yet, oddly enough, in advanced sciences such as gravitational astronomy, the word “cause” never occurs. … The law of causality, I believe, like much that passes muster among philosophers, is a relic of a bygone age, surviving, like the monarchy, only because it is erroneously supposed to do no harm.
Like I said, science could not exist without it.
Yeah, that IS what you said. But "science" exists very well in the quantum world WITHOUT that particular law.
If you knew anything about real science, you'd agree.
If you knew anything about would stop trying to use science to prove that there is a "creator" for something you are unable even to prove to be a "creation."
Ontological arguments for the existence of gods suck...and your ontological argument sucks greater than a black hole.
Science is the process of experimentation and observation.
Okay...give us a list of everyone you know who created a universe...and how they went about doing it.
It is only possible because everything that happens is caused by something else. If the same cause on the same thing occurs multiple things, then you get the same results. Every time. THAT is science.'s move on to those universes that have been created. How many are large are they?
And it's impossible if something could create itself or, an event could happen without something else causing it to happen.
Science very seldom deals with what is impossible...because one of the mainstays of science is that it never knows when something is going to come along to show a previously thought law...was wrong.
All science tries to do is to figure out which is the more probable answer to an issue. It very seldom proves anything...just creates a likelihood.
You know almost nothing about science...and are attempting to use it to bolster a blind guess you have about the true nature of the REALITY of existence.
And, it happens you are doing a terrible job of it.
You are a blithering idiot if you disagree.
Like I told you, I do not blither. And having you call me an idiot is like having Chris Christie call me fat!