APP - One more reason why blacks should abandon the Democrat Party

Do you always have to twist my words into your own thoughts of homosexuality?

Darling, I'm holding up a mirror to your bullshit. Twist words? That's your forte, not mine. Instead of you acting "civilly" and being responsible, you go for the pejorative, which actually invalidates your commentary as juvenile, petulant, and irrelevant. All your best qualities. It's no different than you calling me the n-word. Before 1865, blacks had to "take it", for fear of being whipped to within an inch of their lives for being insolent. In 2012, I can call your ass out as a racist and a bigot, and if you were in proximity, beat you to within an inch of your life for daring to say it. Notice, it's you....time after time, post after post, actually reminding the board of what they invariably already know...that I'm gay.
Your obsession for and with, all things gay, indicates that it's you that has the issue with one twisted your words. Your words are on display, for the entire world to see...and unfortunately "judge". LOL
What you call "twisting words" is me, manipulating language, and exposing you as oh so many things. I win.