One Of Hillary’s Perverts Is Going To Prison


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The worst thing that used to be said about then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was that she was a loving wife:

The man Hillary was standing by was a known degenerate and muff diver.

Hillary Clinton went on to become a U.S. Senator, secretary of state, presidential nominee, and a successful crook years after she ordered the Branch Davidian Massacre.

Now it seems that one of Hillary Clinton inner circle in her glory days is a serial degenerate going to prison for abusing children:

Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials and founder of the organization “Youth to end Sexual Violence.” Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex with a child. Davis also had over 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age.

Joel was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work.

He was sentenced to 13 years this week.

Via the Department of Justice:

Founder Of Non-Profit To End Sexual Violence Against Youth Sentenced To Thirteen Years In Prison For Child Pornography, Enticing A Minor To Have Sex

Davis could have gotten 276 months —— 23 years —— instead of 13 years. If you take time off for good behavior, the freak will be back to abusing children in nine or ten years.

Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JOEL DAVIS was sentenced to 156 months in prison for enticing a child to engage in illegal sexual activity, 60 months for possession of child pornography, and 60 months for distribution and receipt of child pornography,

NOTE: Hillary and Bill are too big to punish. In the good old days Joel Davis would have skated. Today, the best the Clintons can do for one of their own was pull a few strings and see that he got a break on the length of time he has to spend in prison:

all to be served concurrently [Instead of consecutively.] DAVIS previously pled guilty on January 16, 2020, before United States District Judge George B. Daniels, who also imposed the sentence.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “As he previously admitted, Joel Davis, founder of a non-profit called ‘Youth to End Sexual Violence,’ admitted to engaging in the very abhorrent behavior he had publicly pledged to fight. Davis, who also claims to be a Nobel Prize nominee for his work with his organization, engaged in sex acts with a minor, recording them, and distributing that recording to others – including an undercover FBI agent. Sex with minors is obviously never permissible, acceptable, or justifiable, and by virtue of his non-profit work, Joel Davis was acutely aware of the irreparable harm these crimes inflict on victims. Davis will now serve a lengthy time in federal prison, where he can no longer victimize minors.”

Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence Against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges – Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison
By Jim Hoft
Published June 23, 2021 at 8:30am

SILLY QUESTION: How will the Democrat Party’s media report the story?
How long before Joel Davis "commits suicide" in prison?

To Legion: As soon as Hillary gives the order.

Hillary Clinton went on to become a U.S. Senator, secretary of state, presidential nominee, and a successful crook years after she ordered the Branch Davidian Massacre.

Incidentally, the peach does not fall far from the tree.


Chelsea Clinton is a board director at a health insurance company that has been accused of defrauding investors.

Hillarycare was an insurance industry scam. If fact, insurance companies wrote Hillarycare.

Clover Health has been slapped with numerous investor lawsuits that claim the company and its leadership failed to disclose that it was under investigation by the Department of Justice for allegedly offering illegal kickbacks to health care providers in exchange for patient referrals.

Several of the lawsuits were consolidated in April into a class action case, which accused Clover Health and its CEO Vivek Garipalli of "employ[ing] devices, schemes, and artifices to defraud" investors.

Clinton’s involvement with Clover Health, where she has served on the board since 2017 and in which she also holds a significant financial stake, could complicate the former first daughter’s effort to position herself as a global health expert and commentator.

In addition to sitting on Clover Health's seven-person board of directors, Clinton also serves on its committees that oversee corporate governance and compensation.

Wall Street’s absentee owners will also get a large piece of dough the priests in Congress toss about as though it is their money.

According to SEC records filed on Monday, Clinton owns 536,648 shares of Clover Health Class B Common Stock, which was worth just under $7 million as of Wednesday.

Clinton has promoted Clover Health’s work on social media. "Thanks to the team at @Clover_health for collecting amazingly (sad) stats on how many have received the #flushot this year," she wrote on Nov. 16, 2018, urging readers to get the flu shot and linking to the Clover Health website.

Clinton, an adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, recently launched a medical-focused podcast called "In Fact with Chelsea Clinton," which aims to "open up the world of public health through conversations with experts, advocates, celebrities, and more," according to a press release.

Clinton’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Clover Health’s legal woes have attracted criticism from prominent investors, including Starwood Capital Group CEO Barry Sternlicht, who called the company "basically a fraud" at Bloomberg’s Qatar Economic Forum on Wednesday.

Pomerantz LLP attorney Brian Calandra, who is representing the consolidated plaintiffs, declined to comment on the case but said he plans to file an amended complaint in the case next Monday.

A spokesman for Clover Health directed the Washington Free Beacon to a Medium post from February where Garipalli responded to many of the allegations. Garipalli said that, after consulting with legal counsel, the company "concluded that the fact of DOJ’s request for information was not material and was not required to be specifically disclosed in our SEC filings."

The DOJ probe of Clover Health was first reported by the investigative firm Hindenburg Research in February. The firm also reported that Clover Health had failed to disclose its ownership of a subsidiary company that billed itself as an independent Medicare adviser for seniors, and had allegedly handed out gift cards and other incentives to doctors who helped steer business to Clover Health.

The SEC launched an investigation into Clover Health after the Hindenburg Research report was published.

Hindenburg Research also revealed that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services fined Clover Health $106,095 for misleading marketing practices in 2016, a sign the company has been on the federal radar for several years.

A spokesman for the DOJ declined to comment. The SEC did not respond to a request for comment.

Chelsea Clinton Sits on Board of Company Accused of Defrauding Investors
Alana Goodman
June 24, 2021 4:00 pm

Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton had her hands in the till as far back 1993 when she tried to turn healthcare into an affirmative action program. Indeed, that is when the world learned she was the smartest woman in the world. Years later the world learned that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was the smartest crook in world.

NOTE: Hillary Clinton never dreamed that a fake pandemic would hand trillions of tax dollars to the medical industry and Wall Street sharpshooters. On the bright side Chelsea Clinton is cashing in on Mom’s groundwork.

Crooks of every size, shape, and color in the healthcare medical industry filled wheel barrels with trillions of dollars in broad daylight. Every one of them had a vested interest in perpetuating the biggest fraud in history. More trillions will go to hospitals, doctors, and Wall Street ‘investors’ etc. —— including medical industry parasites in foreign countries. Be certain of one thing. The worst is yet to come.

oor people in Third World countries are ordered to do whatever their doctors tell them to do. The poor have no choice. The poor cannot go to a lawyer and sue a doctor or a hospital. Today, many Americans are being ordered by bureaucrats to get vaccinated. It will not be long before bureaucrats order Americans to do everything they are told to do.

Finally, hospitals and medical doctors will require their customers to wear Fauci’s masks forever.
The worst thing that used to be said about then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was that she was a loving wife:

Hillary Clinton went on to become a U.S. Senator, secretary of state, presidential nominee, and a successful crook years after she ordered the Branch Davidian Massacre.

" could Hillary Clinton have been responsible for this bloody event? The only answers come from fringe conspiracy sites, who improbably claim that she — despite having no authority over the Department of Justice or any other law enforcement agency in her position as First Lady — was even more improbably running the Waco operation and issued an order for the final assault on the compound to Attorney General Reno through Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster …

From the time the standoff at the Branch Davidian compound began on February 28, the principal headquarters responsibility in Washington for planning and decision-making lay with the Terrorism and Violent Crimes Section of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division (TVCS/CRM) and the Violent Crimes and Major Offenders Section (VCMOS) of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division (CID). As the Chief of the TVCS/CRM, James S. Reynolds was substantially involved, as were both Deputy Chief Mary Incontro and section attorney John Lancaster. John C. Keeney was the Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division during the crisis, and Deputy Assistant Attorney General (DAAG) Mark Richard oversaw the activities of TVCS/CRM. AG Reno relied a great deal on DAAG Richard during the latter days of the crisis. The primary headquarters responsibility for decision-making throughout the crisis at the FBI lay with Director Sessions, Deputy Director Clarke, and Associate Deputy Director Gow."

Wow, how long did it take the "gateway" and yourself to come up with that one?

Trump and his associates are dropping like flies and the MAGA militia has to go back to decades searching for a "whataboutism" they think is relevant, too funny, kinda shows one it ain't easy being a Donnie lemming
" could Hillary Clinton have been responsible for this bloody event? The only answers come from fringe conspiracy sites, who improbably claim that she — despite having no authority over the Department of Justice or any other law enforcement agency in her position as First Lady

To christiefan915: You are mistaken or misinformed if you believe Hillary was powerless:

ELECT Bill Clinton, the candidate was wont to say during the 1992 campaign, 'and you get two for the price of one'. But that was back in the good old days, when Hillary Clinton was an asset beyond argument. She remained one until a week or so ago when that Arkansas imbroglio called Whitewater became the only topic in town.


The Clinton White House is like no White House in history. Never has a First Lady, not even Eleanor Roosevelt, been as powerful. None has been entrusted with an issue like health- care reform, potentially the most important piece of social legislation here for three decades. No first lady has ever been sent to Capitol Hill to present so vital a programme, and carried off the feat so dazzlingly. None has been as influential in high-level appointments. Privately, any White House official will testify to her authority. Irrespective of the alleged philandering by her husband, the Clinton marriage has always been in good measure a professional partnership of equals. By their staff she is feared at least as much as he, and understandably so.​

Bill and Hillary's double trouble: Clinton's 'two for the price of one' pledge is returning to haunt him, says Rupert Cornwell
Rupert Cornwell
Tuesday 06 October 2015 11:55

Bubba was a pussy whipped weakling, while Hillary was a hardcore Saul Alinsky devotee with her own global feminist agenda.
Basically, Hillary was the power behind the throne as far back as when she was Arkansas’ first lady. Her motive for ordering the attack says it all.

Hillary ordered the Waco massacre because the 51 day siege began 38 days —— February 28, 1993 —— after Bubba was inaugurated. Waco was embarrassing President Clinton in the earliest days of his first administration —— that is why Hillary was determined to end the standoff before her political opposites destroyed her ‘co-presidency’ before it got started.

Hillary Clinton Ordered Waco Massacre Leading To 76 Deaths
March 5, 2016
Sean Adl-Tabatabai

And of course Shit for Brains who played a major role in the coverup called the slaughter a mistake. Not Hillary’s mistake to be sure:

As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Biden had the responsibility to redress the injustice that took place at Waco. He passed on that responsibility.


"There is a big difference between mistakes and malevolence," said Biden. "The record of the Waco incident documents mistakes – mistakes in gathering intelligence and mistakes in planning and executing operational plans. And law enforcement should and must be held accountable for such mistakes."​


Their game is getting more desperate. Despite the efforts of Big Tech and Big Media, the left does not control the information flow as well as it did 30 years ago. Said Biden at the 1995 Senate hearing, "In the end, David Koresh and the Davidians set fire to themselves and committed suicide. The government did not do that."

The lies Biden tells today may be just as grotesque, but fewer and fewer people believe them.​

27 blacks dead at Waco – and Joe defended the killers
Exclusive: Jack Cashill notes irony of Biden's remark on how injustices 'can't be buried'
By Jack Cashill
Published June 2, 2021 at 7:27pm

p.s. Law enforcement made a big mistake when they killed Americans on orders from the scum in Washington instead of waiting to arrest David Koresh .
Who cares. How about this. Biden suddenly passes away. Harris becomes the President. She picks Hillary for her VP...Trump supporters would go beserk. Or Biden and Harris are removed from office. 3rd in Line Nancy Pelosi and she becomes the President, she picks Hillary for VP. Nancy then resigns in one month making Hillary the President. How does that grab you?
Who cares. How about this. Biden suddenly passes away. Harris becomes the President. She picks Hillary for her VP...Trump supporters would go beserk. Or Biden and Harris are removed from office. 3rd in Line Nancy Pelosi and she becomes the President, she picks Hillary for VP. Nancy then resigns in one month making Hillary the President. How does that grab you?

To 50USA: Every gradation in your scenario is a blueprint for violent revolution —— my scenario is more likely:

Harris resigns.

Biden picks a replacement the public will accept.

Biden resigns minutes after his new VP is sworn in.

The new president takes the oath and immediately picks a VP the American people will accept without firing a shot.
Has Poppies completely lost it,
or has he/she/it never had it?

I haven't heard the expression "muff diver" since 7th grade,
and for me, that was in the 1950s.

Beyond that, however, how would being a clit nibbler in any way have disqualified Secretary Clinton
from being an infinitely better chief executive than the diseased orangutan was?
No surprise here:

According to the Huffington Post's own website, Davis "works in close partnership with [DEMOCRATS] the [US] government, the United Nations and various civil society and youth-led organizations to galvanize international support for the engagement of youth on the topic of sexual and gender based violence in conflict."

HuffPo writer, prominent progressive activist sentenced to 13 years for child sex crimes
James Anthony
June 25, 2021 4:48 PM
Very easily.

After the tragic debacle, the Clinton administration claimed that Attorney General Janet Reno had been solely responsible for the final assault. There had been no White House input during the siege, and at the end, President Clinton only acquiesced in a decision Reno had made.

Twenty-three years later, there are substantial reasons to doubt the truth of these claims. The evidence is strong that the Clinton White House was calling the shots, and that Hillary played a prominent role.

The first evidence of this came when Vincent Foster, Deputy Counsel to the president and close friend of both Clintons, was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, outside D.C. The cause was attributed to suicide. When the FBI asked Mrs. Foster what might have most stressed her husband, she cited the travel office scandal and Waco. The FBI 302 report noted “LISA FOSTER believes that FOSTER was horrified when the Branch Davidian complex burned. FOSTER believed that everything was his fault.”

But why would Foster have felt guilty -- let alone to the point of despair -- over a decision Janet Reno had made without White House input? How could he have thought “everything was his fault”?

A second piece of information surfaced after a FOIA lawsuit forced release of a videotape made during the siege. In it, an FBI supervisor tells his men that critical decisions are being “made in the White House,” and passed through “that guy Hubbell, Hummel, whatever his name is.”

Webster “Webb” Hubbell had been Hillary Clinton’s law partner back in Arkansas. Bill Clinton had just appointed him Associate Attorney General, the number three man at Justice. But the FBI supervisor is quite specific: Hubbell is not calling the shots, but relaying decisions “made in the White House.” Who in the White House was giving Hubbell his marching orders?

Linda Tripp, White House secretary and Foster associate, described the real Waco chain of command in an on Larry King Live: “Foster, Mrs. Clinton, Webb Hubbell, Janet Reno” – and she described their reaction to the fire and the fiery deaths of 21 children:

L. TRIPP: [A] special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and the children. And his face, his whole body slumped, and his face turned white, and he was absolutely crushed knowing, knowing the part he had played. And he had played the part at Mrs. Clinton's direction.

Her reaction, on the other hand, was heartless. And I can only tell you what I saw.

Foster had a special Waco file. Deborah Gorham, his personal secretary, said that he had a cabinet reserved for his most sensitive files: “There were two. One was Sean Hadden [a White House staffer], and the other was Waco.”

After his death, Foster’s Waco file somehow vanished. Secret Service Agent Henry O’Neil later testified before a Congressional committee that on the night of Foster’s death he encountered Maggie Williams leaving Foster’s office with two handfuls of folders. Williams denied removing any files, and when called upon to explain her presence in Foster’s office that night, claimed she had gone “in the irrational hope that she would find her colleague still alive there.”

Did Hillary call the shots at Waco? If she did, it would explain another great mystery.

By his second term, Clinton had absolutely no use for Janet Reno. Journalist Taylor Branch wrote that Clinton “fairly howled” when describing Reno’s actions, and “said he had not been able to trust her for four years.” (Clinton’s primary upsets were Reno’s appointment of independent counsel to investigate his administration’s many scandals -- the firing and framing of the White House travel office staff, the Whitewater investment scandal, the death of Vincent Foster, the abuse of FBI files, Waco, and Clinton’s sexual affair with Monica Lewinski. It would never occur to Clinton to blame himself for creating the scandals, rather than Reno for dealing with them.). Yet Clinton said he “felt stuck with Reno, despite his resentments…”

Dick Morris, then Bill Clinton’s advisor, felt that Reno had kept her job by threatening to tell the truth about Waco. But who could the truth then have damaged? By Clinton’s second term, Foster was dead and Hubbell in prison for fraud. Of the chain of command Ms. Tripp described, only one person was left:

Hillary Clinton.


I should have know you'd hide the link to that extremely dubious source with a tiny url.

And don't even go with the genetic fallacy crap. When a source has a history of "extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks," it's obligatory to question everything they publish.

Prove it.

Prove these first. No proof, no truth. :D

The FBI 302 report noted “LISA FOSTER believes that FOSTER was horrified when the Branch Davidian complex burned. FOSTER believed that everything was his fault.”

A second piece of information surfaced after a FOIA lawsuit forced release of a videotape made during the siege. In it, an FBI supervisor tells his men that critical decisions are being “made in the White House,” and passed through “that guy Hubbell, Hummel, whatever his name is.”

L. TRIPP: [A] special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and the children. And his face, his whole body slumped, and his face turned white, and he was absolutely crushed knowing, knowing the part he had played. And he had played the part at Mrs. Clinton's direction.

Foster had a special Waco file... After his death, Foster’s Waco file somehow vanished.

Journalist Taylor Branch wrote that Clinton “fairly howled” when describing Reno’s actions...

Dick Morris, then Bill Clinton’s advisor, felt that Reno had kept her job by threatening to tell the truth about Waco.