One Of Hillary’s Perverts Is Going To Prison

And of course Shit for Brains who played a major role in the coverup called the slaughter a mistake. Not Hillary’s mistake to be sure:

It is only fitting that Shit for Brains has a shithole named after him:

‘Complete Shithole’: Biden’s Namesake Rest Stop in Disarray
Matthew Foldi and Joseph Simonson
July 13, 2021 5:00 am

p.s. Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]th[/SUP] reports that this toilet is reserved for Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi when she is in Delaware:

Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials


Man sentenced for child sex crimes did not work for Clinton campaign
June 23, 2021

CLAIM: An activist who decried child sex abuse and was himself charged with child sex crimes used to work as a Hillary Clinton campaign official.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Joel Davis, an activist against child sex abuse who was arrested for his own child sex crimes in 2018, did not work for the Clinton campaign.

THE FACTS: The conservative website The Gateway Pundit on Wednesday falsely identified a New York man who was sentenced to 13 years in prison for child sex crimes as a campaign official for Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence Against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges — Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison,” read a headline shared on the outlet’s website and social channels.

The erroneous claim that Davis represented the Clinton campaign first appeared in 2018, when he was arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography and for enticing a minor to have sex.

The reports appeared to rely on a 2016 photo of Davis wearing a Clinton button and posing with other supporters in front of her campaign posters. But Davis, who appears to have supported Clinton in the 2016 election, was never employed with the campaign, Hillary Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill told The Associated Press in an email in 2018.

“He is not in our system as ever having been on payroll or as a paid vendor of any kind at any time,” Merrill said.

Davis was not referred to, cited or quoted as a member of the Clinton campaign team in any news story published between 2012 and 2017, according to an archive search of all newspaper, television transcripts and newswire services around the world.

The false claim that Davis worked for the Clinton campaign emerged anew this week, after a Tuesday sentencing, where he received 13 years in prison for his crimes, according to the Justice Department.

Davis, 25, is a former Columbia University student who campaigned at the United Nations and elsewhere against child sex abuse before his arrest. He pleaded guilty to the charges in January 2020.

The Gateway Pundit did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
NOTE: Hillary and Bill are too big to punish. In the good old days Joel Davis would have skated. Today, the best the Clintons can do for one of their own was pull a few strings and see that he got a break on the length of time he has to spend in prison:

Unlike Joel Davis, this one is doing serious time:

Mega Democrat donor and Hillary Clinton pal Ed Buck was convicted Tuesday in connection with meth overdoses of two black men at his West Hollywood apartment.

Ed Buck loves to inject young black gay escorts with methamphetamine — the mother of one of Ed Buck’s victims described it as a fetish.

He was finally arrested in 2019 after two black gay escorts died in his apartment from overdoses.

Buck was convicted and found guilty on all 9 felony counts, including two counts of distribution of controlled substances resulting in death.

NBC Los Angeles reported:

The verdict came on the first day of jury deliberations in the case, in which Buck was charged with nine felony counts, including two counts of distribution of controlled substances resulting in death. The charges stemmed from the deaths of Gemmel Moore in July 2017 and Timothy Dean in January 2019 at Buck’s Weset Hollywood apartment.

NOTE: Buck began donating in the year 2,000 —— the year Hillary Clinton first ran for the U.S. Senate.

Buck, who has reportedly given more than $500,000 to mostly Democratic politicians and causes since 2000, was found guilty on all counts.

Family members of the men who died spoke after the verdict was announced early Tuesday afternoon. LaTisha Nixon, the mother of Gemmel Moore, was among those who spoke.

Tuesday marked four years to the day of her son’s death.

“Thank you to everybody who believed us,” Nixon said. “This is my baby, my son, a human being. He’s loved by a lot of people.

“We got victory today. So, I’m grateful, and I’m happy.”

Each of the two charges carry 20-year mandatory minimums. Details about a sentencing date were not immediately available.

JUST IN: Democrat Donor and Hillary Clinton Pal Ed Buck Convicted in Meth Overdose Deaths of Two Black Men at His West Hollywood Apartment
By Cristina Laila
Published July 27, 2021 at 5:24pm

p.s. If all of Hillary’s perverts are convicted a new wing in every prison will be needed to house them.