T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
go fuck yourself
So, as I expected, you can't tell us why pushing the US to become minority White on purpose is a good thing. Figures. You're just another racist bigot pushing their hate filled agenda...
go fuck yourself
Who teaches that..Fox Gnus? The end of slavery means things changed. But the Jim Crow laws, lynching, and discrimination quickly started. The opportunities for blacks were institutionally limited. That is who we were and some of you still are. They still get cheated out of their right to vote by Repub and gerrymandering. Those are real and their purpose is clear. We have a long way to go and pointing that out in schools is a must. The students are the generation that can change things. But they have to know how it started and what the present-day impact is. If you feel guilt about what has been done to blacks for over 200 years, that is good. You should feel it.
So, as I expected, you can't tell us why pushing the US to become minority White on purpose is a good thing. Figures. You're just another racist bigot pushing their hate filled agenda...
You outed yourself as a pro White dominated society !
That ship has sailed! America is not a white dominated society as much as Trump supporters are trying to keep it in place!
Not that it's any of your Canadian business!
Turning children into utter morons.
Leftists have been doing that for decades.
Is critical race theory.
One of the biggest hoaxes in the right-wing political war against education is also critical race theory, because, in truth, many of those rallying against it have little or no interest in protecting children from “discomfort.”
It is time (indeed past time) for people to realize that the artificially manufactured anti-critical race theory hysteria is more than just a grift by right-wing politicians, pundits, and organizations soliciting votes, ratings, and funding by appeals to white supremacy.
There are actually two main motivations behind it.
The first is to define critical race theory so nebulously that any classroom discussions about race, no matter how educational or innocuous, can readily be silenced by labeling them critical race theory.
The second is to use critical race theory to sow distrust, and decrease enrollment, in public education, because many of the individuals and organizations currently campaigning against critical race theory hope to financially profit from the private “charter” schools they plan to open and operate.
Naturally, the powers behind the anti-critical race theory movement are not going to advertise their true motivations, and instead are relying on another bogeyman, Marxism, to stigmatize critical race theory.
Hello guno,
Mind-control of the young begins at an early age.
Is critical race theory.
One of the biggest hoaxes in the right-wing political war against education is also critical race theory, because, in truth, many of those rallying against it have little or no interest in protecting children from “discomfort.”
It is time (indeed past time) for people to realize that the artificially manufactured anti-critical race theory hysteria is more than just a grift by right-wing politicians, pundits, and organizations soliciting votes, ratings, and funding by appeals to white supremacy.
There are actually two main motivations behind it.
The first is to define critical race theory so nebulously that any classroom discussions about race, no matter how educational or innocuous, can readily be silenced by labeling them critical race theory.
The second is to use critical race theory to sow distrust, and decrease enrollment, in public education, because many of the individuals and organizations currently campaigning against critical race theory hope to financially profit from the private “charter” schools they plan to open and operate.
Naturally, the powers behind the anti-critical race theory movement are not going to advertise their true motivations, and instead are relying on another bogeyman, Marxism, to stigmatize critical race theory.
If you are not teaching about institutional racism, discrimination, and slavery, you are not teaching American history.
Critical race theory teaches that racism is not the only cause for minority disadvantages but the institutions have made their opportunities worse by design. Minorities get worse treatment from the justice system, educational institutions and employment. If you feel guilty about that, you should.
America will be a white-dominated society for many generations. Whites and the wealthy, who are almost all whites, will not give it up. Apartheid showed how slim a group could control a country if they had control of institutions and the police and had the money.
The thing is, the more Republicans act like morons, the more school children graduate and vote for Democrats!
4 million school kids graduate every year now, and become voters, and it is starting to make a noticeable difference, as the Democrats have easily won 3 national elections in a row now.
I think it is because Republicans don't care if kids are shot up in school anymore, and Republicans trying to use School Children and Public Schools as political pawns in all their Conspiracy theories!
If you are making that a centerpiece of teaching American history then you are either deluded or a liar.
White dominance is over
It has very little to do with repubs and more to do with leftist indoctrination. You guys were smart , you took control of education and the media just liken Saul alinsky suggested. As a result America is a now toilet. One day this will come back on you
Yak, come on- there is fuck up on both sides of the aisle!
The Democrats didn't take charge of Public Schools. This Private Schools Vs. Public schools war has been going on for 50 years. It started out as a Tax issue by Republicans who wanted to get a Tax Break from the government so they could put their kids in Catholic Schools or Private Schools while trying to defundFederal Funds targeted for Public Schools at the same time. But it never gained wide public support, so now the Republicans are starting up Conspiracy theories to Gin up support for their Damn the Public Schools Agenda by creating the CRT and Grooming Children Conspiracy theories. That's all there is to this man!
And the Democrats did not take over the News Media. Look, Back when Ted Turner, created CNN, he was also a conservationist and an environmentalist which made him an instant target for the Big-Oil-or-nothing Republicans. The Republicans started the Conspiracy theory called the Liberal Media, and have called it that ever since. When CNN and most all Media sources, NBC, ABC, and CBS are owned by Republican Enterprises, making the Conspiracy Theory of a Liberal Media as just more Fake News.
The Liberal Media Conspiracy theory even grew larger after Trump through fire on the gasoline by starting a war with the media that started after he told a Fox News Debate Host, that she was bleeding from her....Whatever.... during the debate because he didn't want to answer her question. And then Trump started refusing to answer questions in White House Press conferences, and started calling White House press agents FAKE NEWS because he didn't want to answer their tough questions. It created the current war on the media.
So stop blaming things on Democrats the Republicans started OK!
How old are you? You act like you don't know a thing about political history of the last 50 years!
No that's because the GOP went fascist and Support a treasonous piece of shit!View attachment 24353
Hang on GS are you really going to try and deny the reality that schools have been dominated by liberal and now leftist democrats???? If you are we are going to stil talking right here. I know you arent that stupid.