One Stupid Bitch

I am not ashamed of anything I have posted on these forums.
If you were so sure I am a nazi, why do you need for me to answer your questions?

Obviously you are just some child who doesn't expect pushback on your lies and bullshit.

You cannot provide one bit of backup for your claim. And now, when I won't answer your questions, you try and make that the issue?

BTW, I am not in favor of forced population reduction. But I expect you will claim that I am lying, just to try and save face. But that ship has sailed. You look like a fool.
you can push back, inneffectively as it turns out.


like I always say, " be like water", the major component of diarrhea.

Water is like diarrhea? Water is one of the most important components of health and survival.

It also carved the Grand Canyon.

But no, my posting what I think and believe is not like water.