One theory about the Tea Party

as I recall he was presented as someone who would end the divisiveness we experienced during the Clinton administration as he had strong bipartisan support in Texas and had been re-elected governor by voters who had crossed party lines.....

So, do think think he was sucessful?
You have a good point.

But wasn't President Bush touted as a fiscal and social conservative by some?

The Bush Administration’s tax cuts deprived us of the revenue to address urgent challenges, while mortgaging our children’s futures and shifting the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle and lower working classes. The repeal of the estate tax, the lowering of the upper tax brackets, and the reduction in dividend and capital gains taxes means that our government is taxing working families more on their incomes than billionaires on the wealth they inherit (0%) or the stock profits they turn (15%).

Then, he led us into two undeclared wars and financed them with deficts.
What? In whose imaginary world was that? The first thing he did was team up with Senator DrunkenKiller to make the NCLB and Pill Bills.
Bush said "If you are not with me, you are against me." What could be more partisan than that?
He was referring to fighting terrorists you fuckin' pinhead...
Its morons like you that will destroy this country if brought to power....

You stupidity is beyond an immature teenager that just happens to think he knows everything when in reality knows little.
He was referring to fighting terrorists you fuckin' pinhead...
Its morons like you that will destroy this country if brought to power....

You stupidity is beyond an immature teenager that just happens to think he knows everything when in reality knows little.

From what I can see as I watch, between far more interesting affairs, the ramblings of America, is that people of your ilk have already destroyed America more than any thing or any one is likely to do in the future.
You have destroyed your reputation, you have destroyed your credibility and you destroyed your economy and that of the rest of the world. You have killed more innocent people than almost every other modern regime, and here is the rub, the weirdest thing of all.
People like you just DONT SEE IT.
Now you have people in government who eshew the John Wayne stance and have a genuine desire for betterment. Let them get on with it - at least till the next election!!