Online porn is getting worse and is disappearing

Im GLAD that it is not so readily available. I have no problem with ADULTS watching whatever they want to. Thats their business,....I could care less. But to have a situation where any little kid can just watch hardcore porn whenever they feel like it with just a couple clicks is just wrong on so many levels. Its a plague in society and needs to be dealt with.

Kids watching all of this shit quality porn is a huge problem. It would be better if they did not watch any porn.
It is clear to me that the Revolution intends to largely get rid of online porn. There is very little porn in UTOPIA. I have been observing and commenting on the declining quality for near a decade but now I am seeing the amount available shrinking fast. The lost of Tumblr, the last great porn site, has been devastating. Perhaps the best story site of all time (ya I know mostly women use story sites, do you want to make something of it?) just went dark. Most of the videos on the major sites are now pretty shit and boring.

My life has been degraded.

What is your mileage?

Google Dr Lomp videos
I no longer visit that site you post your videos on......

Facebook? Yeah, probably better if you don't. It's a cesspool of facts and reality and crazy shit too like SSM, trans folks, tattoos, liberals saving eagles and manatees, much mockery about ppl like you, etc. You don't want anywhere near that stuff.
Porn has never been a problem for me.

It is the low quality of current porn and that my Overlords have decided that it has to go away for the good of UTOPIA that is the problem.

I trust that we are clear.
Facebook? Yeah, probably better if you don't. It's a cesspool of facts and reality and crazy shit too like SSM, trans folks, tattoos, liberals saving eagles and manatees, much mockery about ppl like you, etc. You don't want anywhere near that stuff.

lol....not the posing we're talking about.....