Only in the mind of a conservative...............

is it viewed to be a good thing for those with severe mental illness to have guns.

Its not the illness that is the concern....its giving the Feds the power they do not have to pronounce anyone they wish as being mentally challenged. Psychology can't produce Objective Evidences to prove anyone to be unbalanced...its exists only as a philosophy not a real SCIENCE, its based upon nothing but conjecture and speculation void of any type of quantifiable constant to use as a base of calibration. In other one can read minds, and psychology only reveals what the subject wishes to reveal. To use such an institution to take away anyone's basic rights before the subject has actually committed some nothing short of fascism.

But consider the source. The lunatic left. ;) If the left gets their foot in the door....with such nonsense, the majority of US veterans would be banned from owning firearms...after they have placed their lives on the line to provide the basic freedoms of those who wish to take their rights as a recompense.
Boy it sounds really reasonable right?

Now define what mental illness prevents someone from getting a gun?

Also does it have to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist?

Once one is denied their 2nd Amendment rights because of "mental illness" is it forever?

You see the whole "mental health" schtick is a Trojan Horse designed to sound reasonable. But when you actually think about the details you see it is a backdoor way of gun grabbing.

Perhaps, moron, you should read the rule first.
this is why people like you and CFM will always be considered the true fascists and statists of the country. This 'rule' was enacted based on conditions so vague that if one wasn't particularly adept at handling a budget on their own, they could be denied a basic and fundamental right with NO DUE PROCESS.

you totalitarian fuckers just want to control everyone.

Perhaps, moron, you should read the rule first.
Yea! ... CFM can buy a gun again...
